| - The University of Mississippi (Lyran classification: research university), also known as Ole Miss, is a public university located in Oxford, Mississippi, on Earth. It was founded in the 19th century, still extant in the 23rd century and 24th century. Leonard McCoy attended the University of Mississippi during the mid-2240s, where he met Emony Dax, who was visiting Earth to judge a gymnastics competition. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations"; DS9 anthology: The Lives of Dax: "Old Souls")
- The University of Mississippi is an institution of higher learning in Oxford, Mississippi, on Earth. The university, also called "Ole Miss", was founded in 1848, and remained respected for its educational and athletic facilities well into the 23rd century. In the alternate timeline created by Nero, Leonard McCoy studied and completed his medical studies at the University of Mississippi. He also met his future (ex) wife Pamela Branch there. (TOS novel: The Edge),(TOS comic: "IDW Star Trek, Issue 17")
- The University of Mississippi (also known as "Ole Miss") was the first university in the state of Mississippi, United States. During the mid-2240s, Leonard McCoy attended Ole Miss prior to entering the medical profession. While there he met a Trill, named Emony Dax, who was on Earth judging a gymnastics competition at the university. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")
| - The University of Mississippi is an institution of higher learning in Oxford, Mississippi, on Earth. The university, also called "Ole Miss", was founded in 1848, and remained respected for its educational and athletic facilities well into the 23rd century. Leonard McCoy, chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise, did his undergraduate studies and Doctorate of Medicine at Ole Miss. In 2245, an interplanetary gymnastics competition was hosted by the University of Mississippi, and held at the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium on campus. (DS9 episode: "Trials and Tribble-ations", DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Old Souls") In the alternate timeline created by Nero, Leonard McCoy studied and completed his medical studies at the University of Mississippi. He also met his future (ex) wife Pamela Branch there. (TOS novel: The Edge),(TOS comic: "IDW Star Trek, Issue 17")
- The University of Mississippi (also known as "Ole Miss") was the first university in the state of Mississippi, United States. During the mid-2240s, Leonard McCoy attended Ole Miss prior to entering the medical profession. While there he met a Trill, named Emony Dax, who was on Earth judging a gymnastics competition at the university. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations") The Star Trek Encyclopedia speculates that Emony and McCoy met around 2245, this based on the fact that McCoy appears to have not yet entered medical school when they knew each other. The gymnastics competition at the University of Mississippi is featured in The Lives of Dax short story "Old Souls". Leonard McCoy also attended the University in the alternate reality, according to his dossier on the official site, the Star Trek: Ongoing issue 17 Bones (comic) and the novels The Delta Anomaly and The Edge.
- The University of Mississippi (Lyran classification: research university), also known as Ole Miss, is a public university located in Oxford, Mississippi, on Earth. It was founded in the 19th century, still extant in the 23rd century and 24th century. Leonard McCoy attended the University of Mississippi during the mid-2240s, where he met Emony Dax, who was visiting Earth to judge a gymnastics competition. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations"; DS9 anthology: The Lives of Dax: "Old Souls") Atenza attended Ole Miss in graduate school, graduating in his master's degree in history in the 2390s. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Educational Armageddon")