__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Paul Zbyszewski Real Name Unknown Job Titles Writer First publication Unknown
Ha escrito los siguientes episodios:
* "[[|]]" (con Elizabeth Sarnoff)
* "[[|]]"
* "[[|]]" (con Elizabeth Sarnoff)
* "[[|]]"
* "[[|]]"
* "[[|]]" Zbyszewski se convirtió en miembro del equipo de producción para la quinta temporada, comenzando como productor supervisor.
__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Paul Zbyszewski Real Name Unknown Job Titles Writer First publication Unknown
Paul Zbyszewski is part of the LOST crew, as a producer and writer.
Paul Zbyszewski schrieb folgende Lost-Episoden:
* „“
* „“
* „“
* „“
* „“
* „“ Kategorie:Crew
Paul Zbyszewski was a writer and producer for Lost. He became a member of the production team for the fifth season, starting as supervising producer. With the sixth season he became a co-executive producer. Zbyszewski has written the following episodes:
* "Jughead" (with Elizabeth Sarnoff)
* "Namaste" (with Brian K. Vaughan)
* "Follow the Leader" (with Elizabeth Sarnoff)
* "Sundown" (with Graham Roland)
* "The Package" (with Graham Roland)
* "The Last Recruit" (with Graham Roland)
Paul Zbyszewski è uno sceneggiatore di Lost. Ha scritto la sceneggiatura dei seguenti episodi:
* "La bomba" (con Elizabeth Sarnoff)
* "Namaste" (con Brian K. Vaughan)
* "Il nuovo leader" (con Elizabeth Sarnoff) Zbyszewski divenne membro della produzione nella quinta stagione, iniziando come Supervising Producer.
Paul Zbyszewski est l'un des scénaristes de LOST. Il a co-écrit les épisodes suivants :
* Bombe H avec Elizabeth Sarnoff.
* Namasté avec Brian K. Vaughan
* La Marche des ténèbres avec Graham Roland
* Mademoiselle Paik avec Graham Roland
* La Dernière recrue avec Graham Roland