| - Clamento.png|Clamento Fappytwig.png|Fappytwig Dappywig.png|Dappwig Hapig.png|Hapig Windwoahzer.png|Windwoahzer Windblazor.png|Windblazor Do not edit! Pokemon A And B is a 2017 game in the new Gyno region. The 3 starters are: Windlazer, Hapig, and Clemento. There are 73 Pokemon in the new Gyno region. On the cover the Pokemon are Agment and Brdeodon. The online stuff are Pokemon Musical 2017, Battle Royle, and Wonder Switch. Version Only Pokemon (Every Vesion has 5 version only Pokemon.) Pokemon A: Durant, Avalugg, Surskit, Marill, and Raichu. Pokemon B: Grovyle, Munna, Mismagius, Aerodactyl, and Gothita. 5 New Mega Pokemon: Mega Jirachi, Mega Porygon-Z, Mega Clefable, Mega Tentacruel, and Mega Floatzel. Bold Means Rare Pokemon Pokedex: Windlazer, Windblazer, Windwoahzer, Hapig, Dappywig, Fappytwig, Clamento, Clamentey, Clamency, Sundaie, Sunroller, Sunballetaria, Ferluferio, Furfrou, Flufferio, Firefree, Ladyfree, Inchfree, Ghostley (Ghost Eevee), Airwanler (Dragon Eevee), Combee, Vespiquen, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu (Pokemon A Only), Ralts, Kirla, Gardivar, Artyize, Artmime, Kecleon, Crocan, Crocrow, Crocro, Daieny, Shelly, Shuckle, Sattour, Pimitour, Satteam, Pimiteam, Satgleen, Pimigleen, Wuskers, Meowth, Persian, Burgmite, Avalugg (Pokemon A Only), T-Rex Jr, Ty-Rux, Aerodactyl (Pokemon B Only), Monfuu, Manuu, Martinuu, Karratoo, Karrablast, Escavalier, Hornler, Stanler, Cutie, Cutieto, Cutietogo, Porygon-Ruby, Porygon-Opal, Porygon-Diamond, Ferroweed, Ferroseed, Ferrothorn, Pacuru, Pachirisu, Tomatoed, Tomatoyu, Tomatoling, Veracross, Heracross, Deracross, Puffblu, Puffred, Puffgreen, Cerealtic, Cerealpal, Cerealgant, Poliwag, Poliwrill, Poliwrath, Politoed, Cuby, Cubeo, Cuabo, Hack253, Relicanth, Zombye, Drooleyes, Unten, Godmavor, Wemerit, Agment, Brdeodon, Regiwar, Horsebuck, Duckbuck, Pigbuck, Sleveoin, Frobitly. You get these moves when you start these Pokemon: Windlazer: Vine Whip, Tail Glow, Grass Frizz, and Spore. Hapig: Fire Canon, Smokescreen, Power Trick, and Fairy Wind. Clamento: Dive, Hurricane, Water Gun, and Take Down. Sundaie: Thunder Shock, Attract, Nuzzle, and Pluck. Ferluferio: Loving Kiss, Attract, Recycle, and Scary Face. Firefree: Nuzzle, Tackle, Take Down, and Baby-Doll Eyes. Artyize: Paint Ball, Judgement, Chip Away, and Color Change. Crocan: Memento, Crow Burst, Parting Shot, and Taunt. Daieny: Tackle, Alpha Punch, Fake Out, and Left Righter. Sattour: Gyro Ball, Mega Cut, Flash Cannon, and Carbon Blast. Satteam: Psywave, Dizzy Eyes, Loving Kiss, and Heal Block. Sattgleen: Nuzzle, Bug Net, U-Turn, and Bug Bite. Wuskers: Endure, Last Resort, Lazy Ball, and Bide. T-Rex Jr: Dino Roar, Rock Smash, Earthquake, and Outrage. Monfuu: High Jumping Kick, Hurdler Burst, Carbon Blast, and Forse Palm. Karratoo: Grass Slash, Clashed Bide, Bug Net, and Heal Order. Hornler: Cut, Horn Attack, Thunder Crasher, and Hold Hands. Porygon-Ruby: Gem Flack, Mist Ball, Computer Crash, and Trick. Ferroweed: Gyro Ball, Mega Cut, Shake Hammers, and Iron Tail. Pacuru: Cute Charm, Attract, Thunderbolt, and Ion Deluge. Tomatoed: Leaf Tornado, Taco Pass, Me First, and Forest's Curse. Veracross: Mat Block, HighPunch, Extreame Kick, and Counter. Puffblu: Ingrain, Vine Whip, Grass Frizz, and Cotton Guard. Cerealtic: Cut, Moo Mash, Moo Dance, and Facade. Cuby: Toxic, Ginger Melt, Poison Cut, and Coil. Hack253: Overheat, Every Type Mash-Up. Special Amusement, and Wish. Zombye: Power Trick, Ginger Melt, Toxic, and Kinesis. More Coming Soon!