| - This issue follows the events of Avengers Annual #16... The Collector has returned to his home following the Grandmasters plot to make all the Elders of the Universe immortal. There he finds his wife Matani has been resurrected, however her apathy and lack of desire to live allows her to die once more. Just then Silver Surfer bursts in to question the Collector over the Elder's plot involving the current Kree/Skrull war and his role in the Grandmasters final part of the Contest of Champions. When he becomes aware that Espirita is still aboard the Collectors ship, he agrees to take her back to Earth. Before departing he promises the Collector that he will get to the bottom of their plot. After the Surfer's departure, the Collector reports in to the Champion to report about his encounter with the Silver Surfer, unaware that a sentient plant listens to his message quietly.
As the Surfer takes Espirita home to Earth, deep in space a Kree military fleet comes across a Skrull ship. This is filled with the Skrulls who had been kicked off Zenn-La, and when they spot the Kree ship they lock in battle. However, when the Skrull ship is incapacitated in combat, the Skrulls on board detonate their bodies so that their enemies do not learn that the Skrull's have lost their ability to shape shift.
Returning to the space-ways alone, the Silver Surfer contemplates over the plot the Elders of the Universe are planning, when he is attacked by a yet another of their number: The Runner. The Runner is intent on killing the Silver Surfer, and while the Surfer puts up a valiant effort to defend himself, he is easily defeated by the Runner. The Surfer is sent crashing down to an unknown world where he is left for dead. Close to the brink of death itself, the Surfer is visited by Mantis.
This story is continued next issue...