These indicate that the typist is winking. It can be indicated either vertically (<a href="/mediawiki/;P" title=";P">;P</a> or <a href="/mediawiki/;)" title=";)">;)</a>) or horizontally (<a href="/mediawiki/%5E_%7E" title="^ ~">^_~</a> or <a href="/mediawiki/O_%7E" title="O ~">O_~</a>)
These indicate that the typist is winking. It can be indicated either vertically (<a href="/mediawiki/;P" title=";P">;P</a> or <a href="/mediawiki/;)" title=";)">;)</a>) or horizontally (<a href="/mediawiki/%5E_%7E" title="^ ~">^_~</a> or <a href="/mediawiki/O_%7E" title="O ~">O_~</a>)