| - {Shouting a prayer. / Neutral} Glory to Atom!
- {Calling out during a thrilling sermon. / Awed} Glory to Atom!
- {A bit formal. You're agreeing to help someone in your capacity as a Zealot. / Neutral} Do not fear. I will take care of it.
- {Ashamed / Sad} I am ashamed to admit that I failed.
- {Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} Atom's judgement is nigh!
- {Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} You profane this place!
- {Someone just cracked a joke to you. You're somewhat amused. / Amused} Heh. I believe I'll pass. But, nevertheless, should you need something from myself or the other Zealots, you need only ask.
- {Question} Glory to Atom, sister. Did you need something?
- {Entering combat. / Angry} You will never defeat us!
- {You're about to get nuked. You're scared and excited. / Awed} Division is nigh!
- {Neutral} One of the acolytes spied her at a holy site, but she escaped in the Fog. It was not long after that the blasphemous messages appeared...
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Question} Sister?
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Question} Are you all right?
- {Hopeful / Neutral} Then by Atom's grace, I hope that you will succeed where I did not.
- {Stern} I wandered for days, living off whatever I could scrounge, drinking puddles and salt water. Until I stumbled on a spring.
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Question} Brother?
- Sister Gwyneth was never violent in the past, but you should still be prepared for anything.
- {Resigned to do something you don't want to / Irritated} Despite your insults, it is my duty to help you in this matter, and so I will.
- {Composing yourself. / Neutral} I guess it's not our place to question the ways of Atom. If there is anything I or the other Zealots can do to serve, all you need to do is ask.
- {Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} Embrace your final moments.
- Hopefully you will succeed where I failed.
- May Atom guide you to the heretic.
- {Exposition / Neutral} You should begin by searching the holy sites. Perhaps you'll find some clue that I missed.
- {blessed you with a vision of... is a question. Voice should raise at the end of the sentence. / Neutral} The spring shows who is capable of serving Atom and who is not. Clearly Atom saw your strength and blessed you with a vision of...
- {Somber} ...hope for her return. Sadly, that never happened and we gave her up for dead. That was the end of Gwyneth, or so we thought.
- {Stoic but sad, your old friend has turned into a heretic / Neutral} Though prone to strange moods, she was well-liked by many. The Grand Zealot in particular seemed to have a fondness for her...
- {Neutral} Atom's judgement finally brought to Far Harbor. Something I can do?
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Neutral} You drift off? Atom above, I can't be that dull.
- {Neutral} We made due for a couple of years. Atom's veil hadn't claimed the whole of the island back then.
- {Neutral} I was the only one to survive, thanks to my blessing. Atom's blessing.
- {Neutral} Most were mercenaries or Trappers before they finally came to Atom.
- {Speaking to a friend during a sermon. / Neutral} This is a truly glorious day.
- {Neutral} You must be the one Richter sent out to the spring.
- {A bit formal. You're agreeing to help someone in your capacity as a Zealot. / Neutral} Of course. As soon as I am able.
- {Neutral} Sort of. My parents were settlers, tried to carve out a life for us in the Fog. Moved us all out there when I was just a girl.
- {Ashamed, regret / Neutral} least until she turned her back on Holy Atom. It was my duty to find her, but Gwyneth was always clever.
- {Grateful} Never did say thanks for what you did for Gwyneth. Thanks. Now, what can I do?
- {muttering a prayer to yourself / Somber} ...shield me from those who would do me harm...
- {You're flabbergasted. This person saw one of the most holy visions in your religion. / Surprised} Heh. You. Saw the Mother of the... how did...
- {A bit formal. You're agreeing to help someone in your capacity as a Zealot. / Neutral} Certainly. It will be done.
- {Entering combat. / Angry} Death by Atom's hand!
- {Entering combat. / Angry} I am Atom's wrath!
- {Neutral} ...and we knew it had to be her.
- {Neutral} Glory to Atom, brother.
- {Neutral} Glory to Atom, sister.
- {Neutral} Remain vigilant, sister.
- {Neutral} Remain vigiliant, brother.
- {Question} So tell me, what did you see?
- {Question} Something I can do for you?
- {Question} What can I do, Crusader?
- {Question} What can I do, Inquisitor?
- {Question} Yes, brother?
- {Question} Yes, sister?
- {Question} Yes? Something you needed?
- {Resigned / Neutral} Very well.
- {You've just been killed. / InPain} Agh...
- {Neutral} Though Richter apparently was actually a soldier of some rank in his old life, if the rumors are true.
- {Tinged with regret / Stern} As I'm sure the Grand Zealot informed you, Gwyneth was once a devoted member of our order.
- {You're about to get nuked. You're scared and excited. / Awed} Holy Atom, I welcome your embrace.
- {You're flabbergasted as to why the crusade against your hated enemy has been ended. / Puzzled} The High Confessor's vision. It doesn't make sense. Peace? Why would Atom want peace? Sorry, what did you need?
- {There's an alarm sounding in the sub bay. You're excited. / Neutral} Is that... what I think it is?
- {Firm / Stern} No, that is out of the question. Atom's will is clear in this matter. Heresy cannot be tolerated.
- {Neutral} The vision I had... felt like it lasted for days. I was back in the storm, but I wasn't afraid. I was in control.
- {Question} Glory to Atom, brother. Did you need something?
- {Stern} I'm the Grand Zealot's second. It's my job to ensure the Zealots are fit for the conflict to come against all those who offend Atom.
- {Neutral} But then... came the storm. A rad storm unlike anything the island had ever seen. Our little homestead didn't have a chance.
- {Neutral} When Tektus confronted her, she struck him with such force that she knocked him to the ground. When she realized what she'd done, she fled.
- I only wish that I knew what drove Sister Gwyneth mad.
- {muttering a prayer to yourself / Somber} ...let our lost sister see the error in her ways...
- {Neutral} So, should you need anything from myself or the other Zealots, you need only ask.
- {Stage whisper. You're talking during a sermon, but you're surprised to hear the crusade against your great enemies is being called off. / Surprised} If, if it is his will.
- {Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Quiet. I can't hear.
- {muttering a prayer to yourself / Somber} my shots true...
- {Firm, devout in your ways. indignant / Irritated} I would never risk defying Atom's will. My faith is my life, and my devotion to Atom is absolute.
- {Neutral} Few make it through the ritual intact. Sort of the point. A vision from Atom is a great honor. Not something to be granted to the unworthy.
- {Emphasis on "the." / Neutral} The spring.
- {Neutral} We are defenders of Atom's faith and guardians of the Nucleus.
- {Neutral} Don't appear to have turned into a slobbering goon, so I'm guessing you had a favorable experience. What visions did holy Atom bless you with?
- Sister Gwyneth's heresy cannot be permitted to continue.
- {muttering a prayer to yourself / Somber} ...thank you for returning Gwyn to our family...
- {Neutral} I can only tell you what I saw. She was praying quietly, when she suddenly leapt up and began to shout that Atom is a lie.
- {Neutral} When I finally came to, I was in Richter's arms. He carried me back here and raised me to serve Atom.
- {Puzzled} Hmm. And they still let you in? Well, if you passed Richter's muster, I suppose that's all that matters.
- {Neutral} Tektus wanted to send someone after her, make an example, but at the time it was not his decision. Confessor Martin insisted we wait...