| - The infamy of 'Captain' Jalek Helion (13 BBY – Reports Vary) is a matter of some debate, largely in that the good captain feels the entire galaxy should have heard of him, but very few will admit to having done so. Described as 'brilliant', 'insane', 'infuriating lucky' and 'the least tolerable near-sentient I have ever had the digust to behold' Jalek's reputation and reception varies wildly around the galaxy. Jalek began life as he carried it on, aboard the vessel Void's Lust, the flagship of a roaming pirate fleet. Infamously an all-female crew, he was the bastard child of the ship's half-Zeltron captain and an undisclosed male. With the expectant mother unwilling to terminate or abandon the child, Jalek remained with the crew of the Void's Lust as a ward of the crew until puberty arrived and the close quarters of a ship placed an increasing strain on the patience of the crew towards what was no longer a young boy, but an emerging man. Thus, the Void's Lust set her heading for an asteroid pirate's haven in the Outer Rim and deposited him with the first male crew that made itself available. This began an active career as a pirate for the young Jalek, who in spite of his tender years displayed all of the mercenary attitude, ferocity, and disregard for personal safety as one might expect for a man raised in a world of criminality. Jalek signed on with a number of crews over the following ten years, before finaly taking possession of a large freighter of his own, far from the combative behemoth that was the Void's Lust through displays of finesse and what Jalek claims to be skill, whilst other's argue to be a cruel joke played upon any unfortunate enough to endure him by the universe at large, his crew moved from minor success to minor success, plaguing the outter-rim beyond the reach or care of the major governments. Unfortunately, the exact course of Jalek's career as a Captain cannot be charted. The evidence would seem to imply that he had captained at least half a dozen classes of ships, operating under various names and transponder signals during the following five years, and that rarely were the crew the same. Jalek makes claim to having lost several 'legendary ships and crew' and though his accounts of the circumstances must surely be embellished, the fact that he continues to land on his feet with nary a scratch speaks to something of his ability, or astounding good fortune.