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- [Long-Range] Creates an intense mystic light that boosts the stats of a friendly union.
- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- Players seeking support from Blizzard must go through the Battle.net support site, which contains a search function, support articles, and the option to get help from Blizzard support. Depending on the player's selection, and the time of day, the site may offer the option to enter a web ticket, request live web chat, or schedule a callback from a representative. Blizzard does not offer any phone numbers or email addresses for support.
- サポート:Supportもしくはhealer careerはグループメンバーや仲間をヒールすると共に、各種のbuffで強化する役割を担う。WARにおけるサポートキャリアは、戦闘時に味方の影に隠れて立っているだけではなく、積極的に攻撃もこなすことでその本来の能力を高めることが出来る。
- On the in-game leaderboard, the amount of healing performed by Supports is tracked by the "Role" column. Support generally tend to be low to mid range damage-dealers, with higher utility and mid range survivability and complexity. The values in the lists below are provided by Blizzard and are in no way indicative of individual players' experience.
- Support ist Unterstützung des Ideenmanagements durch einen externen Berater oder durch einen internen oder externen Dienstleister.
- A Support is a bond or affiliation between multiple playable characters through which they can gain certain in-game statistical bonuses.
- Support may refer to
* Customer support
* Hardware support
* Software support
- Support is an Alliance War skill line in The Elder Scrolls Online.
- Musclemania is absolutely a non-profit event, so every donation is gratefully accepted and will be recognized regardless of amount. Either if you're member of the female muscle community on internet or just an art enthusiast, you should consider donating. Some observations concerning donations:
* All donations will be divided according to the originally laid ratios.
* Currently only donations via Paypal are being accepted.
* Donation confers no rights nor responsibilities. For more information on how to proceed with your donation, Email us!
- Ein Support (en; zu dt. Unterstützung) ist/sind eine/mehrere Karte/n sowie Themen, welche andere Karten bzw. Themen unterstützen. Sie können entweder den Typ, das Attribut, eine Karte oder Themen unterstützen. Die unterstützende Eigenschaft wird immer im Effekttext der Karte aufgelistet. Es gibt 2 verschiedene Arten von Supports.
- This is the support section where problems with the game Shaiya can be recorded and documented for the use of other players. If you require help from the official support team please contact them instead.
- There are currently 1 Supports in the game.
* File:Rafaela.png rafaela
- The support class provides many useful functions within a squad, for they employ a wide selection of military technologies. From resupplying allies with ammo to the planting of mines, from repairing machinery to sabotaging enemy vehicles, this soldier is equipped to face any challenge it meets. Veteran support players excel at avoiding straight fights against enemy foot soldiers; rather, they set traps and ambushes, or fight alongside fellow troopers or HW Specialists.
- A support is often an important member of a custom robo battle team. They don't actively participate in battle, but offer advice and gather information on opponents.
- Support (オウエン, Ouen) is the eighty fifth chapter of the Nisekoi series written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi, published weekly in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump.
- Support is one of Roland's three skill trees. It is meant to be used for Health, Shield and Ammo Regeneration and to, like the Skill tree's name says, support other players to have a longer lasting offensive. His other two skill trees are Infantry and Medic.
- Temples have Priests which is a support unit. A Support Unit is a unit that does not fight but it helps with converting or supplying your empire with benefits, they give you bonuses such as +15% wood gathering rate. Temples also have Prophets which is another support unit. However, this unit creates Calamities to attack enemy units.
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- Support creatures are generally unsuited to physical, hand-to-hand combat, but their ranged attacks are ideally suited to providing cover and support to the Blitzers and Flankers.
- Support is a multiplayer character class that appears only in Call of Duty 3. This class starts with a Machine Gun that can be set up on the ground or a ledge to rain fire on opponents from a stationary position. Support also has the ability to drop ammo packs to refill allies' weapons. After achieving higher ranks, the number of ammo packs the Support class can drop increases. There is a delay between dropping ammo packs.
- Here at the Daft Wiki, we want to make it easy for you to edit and get involved in the community. So below we have left some resources to help you. Stay Daft -The Daft Punk Wiki Team
- The term "support" most commonly refers to the role or character build type of a priest. A Support player's basic role is to keep the rest of the team from dying using various healing and stat-boosting spells. This role normally goes to priests who often create their character build specifically to act as a "Support" player.
- A thing which does stuff. Er, that is to say, it supports things. Like when someone needs your help and you encourage them to succeed in their life with words of kindness. Or maybe you hit them with a steel pole and make them hold up a pile of shingles. You can't lose.
- Support skills are probably the strongest skills you get, other than your last passive skills(Soul Knight, Divide Spear). If you are looking to be a master at one thing, like for example you're a dual knight, it is necessary to level all of your Support skills to 10 for a huge increase in critical, physical damage. The same goes for S&S and Two-handed.
- Give this character a power action. Make an attack roll against an adjacent target friendly character as though making a close combat attack. Neither character may be adjacent to an opposing character. Ignore all modifiers to combat values. If the attack roll is successful, roll one six-sided die and subtract 2 from the result, minimum result 1. The target is healed of damage equal to the result.
- __NOEDITSECTION____NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Guides and Tutorials File:Nav bar right.png File:Help.png The Admins and Wiki Gnomes are people that you can go to for help and assistance, but sometimes there is a technical glitch in someone's account, and that is something that they cannot do anything about (they're players just like you, they just happen to hang out here a lot). If you think that you have a technical issue relating to your ability to contribute to this Wiki, or in your game, you will need to log a Support Ticket with either Wikia or Disruptor Beam.
- The objective of support is to heal, buff and provide utility. Support heroes boost the overall performance of their team by increasing their survival, speed, and damage output. They are generally the worst duelists and are best surrounded by teammates.
- The Ghost Recon Support class, also known as the Automatic Rifleman or Gunner, carries the Squad Automatic Weapon and can use sustained fully automatic fire to cover his team and suppress enemies. Dieter Munz, Olivia Pascarelli, and Santiago Gonzales were all Support operators around 2008. Marcus Brown served under Captain Scott Mitchell as a gunner.
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- Supports are tasked with keeping allies alive. Supporters' use Mind Energy to heal any other role, and potentially Mind Shock to keep themselves alive. Skill choice is up to the player, but Shield and Block would be good choices. Players with this role are effectively a hybrid of Backers and Healers, covering the Striker for as long as possible.
- The Support kit is featured in many installments in the Battlefield Series. Its main role is to resupply friendly teammates and provide heavy suppressive fire against enemy targets.
- Εικόνα:WoW_Icon_16x16.gif In World of Warcraft, the term "support" usually means a type of class that can be useful in groups without engaging in direct combat most of the time. Healing classes are often considered "support" classes, but the term is vague and not well defined.
- Support is a Makuta who is actually a being from an alternate universe. He is a Makuta because he travelled from an alternate reality and shapeshifted into a Makuta in the process. This is the reason that he is allied with the Matoran and Toa.
- Support players are generally focused on attacking enemy positions alongside their team, laying down fire with their rifles or throwing grenades to flush out enemies. Support players typically charge in after Riflemen or Assault players due to the lower effectiveness and higher recoil of their rifles while in close combat compared to Submachine Guns or the M1 Garand or Kar98k. Also, unlike Assault, the Support usually has limits on unmodified servers. Because the recoil of an automatic BAR or StG-44 is quite high, crouching or proning is recommended for sustained fire on enemy positions.
- Hier entsteht eine Supportseite. Hier könnt ihr eure Probleme eintragen, die sich unser Team dann anschauen und lösen wird :) --Admin1 15:15, 10. Mär 2008 (CET) Bitte eure Probleme kursiv angeben, die Lösung erfolgt dann in einer fetten Schrift.
- This is an ability where the card gains stats for the number of cards from the same clan as it in your hand. This ability was first introduced when the Rescue clan was introduced.
- Telefonsupport En svindyr og elendig hjelpetjeneste som selskaper (feks bredbåndsleverandørene) (Feks Ventelo)) trenger for å melke enda mer penger ut av lommene til sine kunder. Disse telefonene er bemannet av noen ukyndige idioter som forhåpentligvis har tatt en IT-utdanning, men som man med 100% sikkerhet ikke har fulgt med i timen. Er man så dum at man ringer en såkalt "Support" telefon (for eksempel Ventelo sin tlf 32200?) , blir man møtt av hes Ålesundsstemme som forteller en at man er nummer 7 i køen. De rådyre tellerskrittene tikker natuligvis fra du hører den første strofen av Enya. Etter 25 minutter kan man i det små, begynne å mentaltforbrede seg på at snart dukker oppen idiot i den andre enden. Man må være obs på at denne IDIOTEN er opplært til å hale ut tiden, så hvis denne ID
- The Supports have a unique Nano-Pack that allows them to heal friendly units in their proximity. Doing so, a red cross in a white circle will appear next to the player's name, telling them that a Support is automatically restoring lost HP and refilling Ammo. A common tactic, Medic Rushing, which allows rapid healing while going into battle, is often seen. Supports are equipped with a Shotgun, which inflicts heavy damage at close quarters.
- Support is an unofficial term for an interaction in which a card specifically affects cards with a particular property in some way beneficial to the player who possesses the supported card. For example, "The Warrior Returning Alive" adds 1 Warrior-Type monster from its controller's Graveyard to their hand, thus it supports Warrior-Type monsters. The most obvious example of support is for archetypes, but support cards may also provide support for Attributes, Types, or monsters with a certain Level, Rank, ATK, or DEF, among other groups of cards.
- USA M730A2 | USSR SA-13 Gopher | NATO Roland Heavy Anti-Air Vehicles are the most powerful anti-air assets available on the battlefield. These are typically light vehicles equipped with sophisticated long-range heat-seeking missiles, although they usually have no means of defending themselves against enemy ground forces. With powerful missiles capable of smashing enemy helicopters into pieces with just a couple of devastatingly accurate hits, the heavy anti-air vehicle is every helicopter pilot's worst nightmare.