| - Krynn's New Beginning was a persistent world and a roleplaying server with a focus on faction / temple affiliations. The server's setting centered mostly around the continent of Ansalon, with over 600 areas included. The server was shut down on 2 January 2011, when the owner decided to pursue other things. Restrictions: The devastating critical feat is not allowed. Kender (halflings), dwarves, gnomes, and half-ogres (half-orcs) are restricted in classes and temples. Multiclassing: If the shadowdancer, monk, or cleric classes are taken, at least 15 class levels must be taken.
| - Krynn's New Beginning was a persistent world and a roleplaying server with a focus on faction / temple affiliations. The server's setting centered mostly around the continent of Ansalon, with over 600 areas included. The server was shut down on 2 January 2011, when the owner decided to pursue other things. Restrictions: The devastating critical feat is not allowed. Kender (halflings), dwarves, gnomes, and half-ogres (half-orcs) are restricted in classes and temples. Races: All standard races in the NWN setting are allowed with some limitations as mentioned in the rules. Currently, the subraces available upon completion of a special quest include vampire, werewolf, draconian, treant, pixie, minotaur, and red dragon disciple. Prestige classes: Most prestige classes are free to be taken, but pale master, purple dragon knight, and shifter are not allowed. In addition, red dragon disciple is only available as a subrace awarded by completing a special quest. A player character is allowed only one prestige class. Multiclassing: If the shadowdancer, monk, or cleric classes are taken, at least 15 class levels must be taken. Resting: Resting is allowed every 8 game hours. Leveling: Moderate to high levels of experience points are awarded with experience increasing with party size. The maximum party size is five, after which experience will not be awarded to any in the party. Also, all party members must be close in level to receive experience. Before level 20, "close" means being within 5 levels of each other; at and after level 20, it means being within 10 levels of each other. Many specially designed aspects are added to the server to enrich the players experience including, but not limited to, the following ridable horses, a death system for renegade magi who do not follow the edicts of the moons of magic, custom spells, and a unique system enhancing many pure builds by scripted changes to special items, epic spell focuses, spells, feats, etc.