| - When an innovative individual captures the imagination of the world, we believe it is his genius alone that has brought about a contribution to society. Little do we realize that this pioneer individual is actually expressing the subconscious will of that society. By subconscious I mean that the society wishes something along those lines to come about, but it is not yet conscious of the fact. The pioneer captures that subtle energy wave inside as an intuitive vision that he manifests through his product, service, insights, skill, etc.
| - When an innovative individual captures the imagination of the world, we believe it is his genius alone that has brought about a contribution to society. Little do we realize that this pioneer individual is actually expressing the subconscious will of that society. By subconscious I mean that the society wishes something along those lines to come about, but it is not yet conscious of the fact. The pioneer captures that subtle energy wave inside as an intuitive vision that he manifests through his product, service, insights, skill, etc. Society is evolving. It is constantly seeking new avenues for that growth. It is growing materially, psychologically, mentally, even spiritually. A child of that age looks out at what is possible in the world, and perceives an opportunity for improvement along this life scale. He then goes out and creates his invention, or issues forth a new theory, etc. and the world around him perks up, lifting that object or idea to the masses. It does so because subconsciously the community was already predisposed to it. Now however that subtle social intention has coagulated into something tangible through that individual’s efforts. The possibility gets further organized, it hits a critical mass, and it is then fully embraced by all facets of society.