| - Evanescence is a girlband (two guys, one girl), making it a six piece alternative metal band, believe it or not, and they formed back in 1995, but were too lazy to release any albums until 2003. They released Fallen in 2003 and The Open Door in 2006. Late 2006. In fact, it was very late 2006, to be exact. In November or something like that. They suprisingly went into success with their first single.
- Evanescence is an American heavy metal band formed in 1996.
- Evanescence is an American rock band
- Page about Evanescence
- Evanescence amerykański zespół rockowy powstały w 1998 roku.
- Evanescence – zespół nu metalowy, znienawidzony przez tró metali. Charakteryzuje się mrocznymi tekstami opowiadającymi o nieszczęśliwej miłości, depresji, miłości, głównie nieszczęśliwej, nienawiści i o nieszczęśliwej miłości. Jest zespołem, ale 99% słuchających tego nie wie, bo dla nich istnieje tylko przecudowna Amy Lee. Badania dowodzą, że każde szanujące się emo słucha Evanescence.
- Gli Evanescence,in cui Amy canta e suona il pianoforte, sono una rock band americana, nata a Little Rock nel 1998. right|thumb|120px|Il logo della band
- Evanescence es una banda de musica metal alternativo fundada en Little Rock, Arkansas, en los Estados Unidos en 1994 por la cantante Amy Lee y el guitarrista Ben Moody. Originalmente conocidos como Striken and Childish Intentions, el grupo ha generado su mayor éxito con la canción Bring me to life, incluida en la película Daredevil.
- Evanescence is an alternative rock/metal band fromLittle Rock, Arkansas. Originally known as Striken and Childish Intentions, the group garnered major success with the hit single "Bring Me to Life" and the album Fallen. Evanescence currently consists of Amy Lee (vocals and piano), John LeCompt, Terry Balsamo (guitar) and Rocky Gray (drums), and former members include co-founder Ben Moody, David Hodges, and William Boyd, who recently dropped out to spend more time with his family. Following Fallen was the live album Anywhere But Home. The Open Door was released in October 2003.
- Evanescence is a Level 2 Quickening used by Penelo.
- Evanescence is an American rock band. Their song "A New Way To Bleed (Photek Remix)" is featured on Avengers Assemble: Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture, an album with music inspired by (but mostly not used in) The Avengers.
- While as a whole not even time seems to be able to make inroads on the popularity of the series, there are indeed longer pauses in the broadcasting that make fans worry it might become somewhat boring. Insiders usually respond to these fears by reassuring the fans with the words “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
- Το πρώτο τους album βρέθηκε στο νούμερο 1,314 (τυχαίο?) των αμερικανικών charts δύο μήνες και πέντε ημέρες πριν την κυκλοφορία του, αφού η Άνεμος-Επάνω Ent. είχε φροντίσει η προώθηση των τριών πρώτων singles "Φέρε Με Σε Οργασμό", "Ο Αθάνατός Μου" και "Πάω Από Πίσω" να έχει ήδη ολοκληρωθεί πριν την κυκλοφορία του άλβουμ, μαζί με την οποία θα ερχόταν και το τέταρτο σιγκλάκι τους, το "Εβανέσεν". Ύστερα αποδείχτηκε πως ο Μπένιος Κυκλοθυμικό ήταν στα αλήθεια τέρας, γι' αυτό και τον έδιωξαν από το συγκρότημα.
- Evanescence est d'abord et avant tout un groupe de plagiat gothique. Dirigé par la talentueuse sataniste Emilie, il attire surtout les trous goth métalleux. Le chant d'Emilie est caractérisé par sa voix criarde, et le groupe dans l'ensemble par des riffs de guitares à faire pâlir Alexi Laiho et par des solos de batteries à faire crever Jordison. Personne ne sait qui sont Alexi Laiho et Jordison et on s'en fout.
- Gli Evansechenz (li chiameremo E. per comodità) è una band di fallocefali dalla composizione tutt'ora inspiegabile, prodotti dall'implosione di tutti gli atomi di tristezza accumulatisi nel mondo dal Big Bang fino ad oggi e unitisi nella loro forma più latente ("E." appunto) per poter smaronare l'umanità.Alcuni dicono che prima fossero tenuti rinchiusi nel vaso di Pandora, ma sfortunatamente, quando qualcuno lo buttò nel pozzo di Sparta per liberarsene, si ruppe ed essi si liberarono e diffusero piaghe, tristezza e suicidi di massa in tutto il mondo.
- Evanescence is a relatively new band, leaning on the goth metal genre. The band members are Amy Lee (lead singer and songwriter), and Ben Moody (songwriter and lead guitarist). Rocky Grey, John LeCompt, and Will Boyd joined the band, as they were friends of Amy and Ben. Fallen, their first album, skyrocketed them towards success. The songs on that album are played usually on KRZ and other popular radio channels. The songs on Fallen are Bring Me to Life, Going Under, My Immortal, Everybody's Fool, and others.
- Evanescence is a relatively new band, leaning on the goth metal genre. The band members are Amy Lee (lead singer and songwriter), and Ben Moody (songwriter and lead guitarist). Rocky Grey, John LeCompt, and Will Boyd joined the band, as they were friends of Amy and Ben. Fallen, their first album, skyrocketed them towards success. The songs on that album are played usually on KRZ and other popular radio channels. The songs on Fallen are Bring Me to Life, Going Under, My Immortal, Everybody's Fool, and others.
- Evanescence é unha banda estadounidense formada en Little Rock, Arkansas en 1995 pola vocalista e pianista Amy Lee e o guitarrista Ben Moody. Despois de gravar dous EPs e un CD demo chamado Origin, coa axuda de Bigwig Enterprises no 2000, a banda editou o seu primeiro álbum, Fallen, através da Wind-up Records no 2003. Fallen vendeu máis de 15 millóns de copias en todo o mundo e axudou a que a banda gañase dous Premios Grammy. Un ano despois, Evanescence editou un álbum en directo, Anywhere but Home, que vendeu máis de 1 millón de copias. No 2006 a banda editou o seu segundo álbum, The Open Door, que vendeu catro millóns de copias.
- Evanescence is an American rock band founded in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1995 by singer/pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody. Since their first big hit Bring Me To Life in 2003, the band have won two Grammy awards so far and suffered various changes in line-up.