Feuerroter Pfeil und Bogen (Crimson Bow and Arrow, Japanese: 紅蓮の弓矢 Guren no Yumiya) is the 1st opening theme of the Attack on Titan anime, and is sung by singer-songwriter REVO of Linked Horizon.
Feuerroter Pfeil und Bogen (Crimson Bow and Arrow, Japanese: 紅蓮の弓矢 Guren no Yumiya) is the 1st opening theme of the Attack on Titan anime, and is sung by singer-songwriter REVO of Linked Horizon.
Feuerroter Pfeil und Bogen (Crimson Bow and Arrow, Japanese: 紅蓮の弓矢 Guren no Yumiya) is the 1st opening theme of the Attack on Titan anime, and is sung by singer-songwriter REVO of Linked Horizon.