| - Halmar Iarun is a Namornese man, and a tenant of Clehamat Landreg, where he works as a miller. In his youth, he kidnapped the beautiful young Gudruny and kept her tied and helpless until she signed the marriage contract. Once she did, he had two children by her. Still, he physically and verbally abused his wife and his children, which caused Gudruny to seek out help from Clehame Amiliane fa Landreg and later, Clehame Sandrilene fa Toren. He only appeared in The Will of the Empress, when he came to Landreg castle to demand that his wife was returned to him.
| - Halmar Iarun is a Namornese man, and a tenant of Clehamat Landreg, where he works as a miller. In his youth, he kidnapped the beautiful young Gudruny and kept her tied and helpless until she signed the marriage contract. Once she did, he had two children by her. Still, he physically and verbally abused his wife and his children, which caused Gudruny to seek out help from Clehame Amiliane fa Landreg and later, Clehame Sandrilene fa Toren. In 1043 KF Lady Sandry and her entourage meet Halmar when he storms into Castle Landreg, demanding the return of his wife. Sandry is already angered, having heard Gudruny's sad tale just moments before. She splits the marriage, causing Halmar to say that he was the best thing that ever happened to his wife. Ambros fer Landreg threatens him with a flogging for disrespect to nobles, which silences him for a bit. Halmar still promises to pay for his children, although he also says that his ex-wife will get nothing from him. He only appeared in The Will of the Empress, when he came to Landreg castle to demand that his wife was returned to him.