| - Flag Territory The Tkon Empire, also known as the Empire of the Endless Flame, was a massive interstellar empire that once existed within the galaxy.
- Historical eras for this civilization were described as Ages measured by the Tkon using galactic motionary startime charts. The latter ages of the Tkon Empire were Bastu, Cimi, Xora, and Makto. It was during the Age of Makto when the central star of their home system destabilized and went supernova, destroying the Empire. In the original script, the Age of Ozari and Age of Fendor were mentioned following Makto, as well as that Ages were divided into baktun.
- During the 24th century little was known about the Empire by the Federation. In 2364, the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D found an ancient guardian that had survived on Delphi Ardu IV. Known as Portals they acted as gatekeepers to the Empire as will as defenders of its outposts. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")
| - During the 24th century little was known about the Empire by the Federation. In 2364, the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D found an ancient guardian that had survived on Delphi Ardu IV. Known as Portals they acted as gatekeepers to the Empire as will as defenders of its outposts. (TNG: "The Last Outpost") The Tkon were a subject of great interest for Timothy Sinclair during the late 24th century. In the 2370s, Sinclair wrote a monograph, Bloodstone's Forge: Tkon and Iconia, which detailed the connection between the two ancient empires, and their links to the Preservers. In 2385, Sinclair and a team of Federation archaeologists discovered the Starkindler, a legendary Tkon artifact. (Star Trek: Pendragon: "Another Time, Another Place", "Starkindler")
- Historical eras for this civilization were described as Ages measured by the Tkon using galactic motionary startime charts. The latter ages of the Tkon Empire were Bastu, Cimi, Xora, and Makto. It was during the Age of Makto when the central star of their home system destabilized and went supernova, destroying the Empire. In the original script, the Age of Ozari and Age of Fendor were mentioned following Makto, as well as that Ages were divided into baktun. At least one of their guardians, Portal 63, survived and was encountered by the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D on a planet in the Delphi Ardu system in 2364. This occasion was the first instance of Federation contact with the extinct Tkon. Beyond some information regarding planets in the Empire and an understanding of their script and some of their history, little was known about the Tkon by the Federation. Even a student of archeology such as Jean-Luc Picard had not heard of the Tkon before 2364. (TNG: "The Last Outpost" )
- Flag Territory The Tkon Empire, also known as the Empire of the Endless Flame, was a massive interstellar empire that once existed within the galaxy.