Princess Peach Toadstool's castle (or Princess Peach's castle or the simple Peach's castle or Toadsworth Castle) refers to the Castle located in Toad Town 1 and is ruled by Princess Peach in coalition with the Mushroom Kingdom Government. The castle is the official capitol of the Mushroom Kingdom, although their are several other castles by the name of Princess Peach, such as Peach's castle in Mushroom Kingdom Village and a Peach's castle in the outskirts of the Kingdom in World 8-4.
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- Peach's Castle
- Peach's Castle
| - Peach's Castle – mapa występująca w modyfikacji Little Fighter Dark. Mapa przedstawia zamek księżniczki Peach znanej z gier Mario. Mamy niestety mało miejsca do walki, lecz zostało to nadrobione wyglądem.
- Princess Peach Toadstool's castle (or Princess Peach's castle or the simple Peach's castle or Toadsworth Castle) refers to the Castle located in Toad Town 1 and is ruled by Princess Peach in coalition with the Mushroom Kingdom Government. The castle is the official capitol of the Mushroom Kingdom, although their are several other castles by the name of Princess Peach, such as Peach's castle in Mushroom Kingdom Village and a Peach's castle in the outskirts of the Kingdom in World 8-4.
- In 1811, it was nuked by the Weird Al-iens. Thinking the Piantas caused it, the Toads attacked the Piantas. Everybody was to lazy to rebuild it until 1981. When they started building off the rubble of the nuked castle, they found a small African American Indian Toad carcass. It seemed that Peach's castle was a burial ground for African American Indian Toads and other stuff that I can't think of right now, so everyone stopped production and sat on their bottoms watching SpongeBob SquarePants while eating Mushroom Puffs. UNTIL 2000...
- Peach's Castle (ピーチ城上空, Above Peach Castle) from the Super Mario Bros. games is Mario & Luigi's home stage in Super Smash Bros. It does not return in Melee, although a similar stage (Mushroom Kingdom: Princess Peach's Castle) does. In 1P Game, the player fights a Mario and Luigi team on this stage. It is considered legal in tournament play. Even though this stage does not appear in Super Smash Bros. Melee, a portion of the music that plays on it plays during the cutscene where Luigi takes Mario's place in Melee's Adventure Mode.
- Peach's Castle is a location from the first Paper Mario game. It is the domicile of Princess Peach, and is frequently the site of many extravagant parties thrown in the Mushroom Kingdom. In the events of Paper Mario, Bowser used his castle to lift Peach's castle into the air. In the beginning of the game, Princess Peach invites Mario and Luigi to a party at the castle. However, while the Mario Bros. (and numerous other guests) were having fun, Bowser hatched an elaborate plan that caused his castle to rise into the air under Princess Peach's Castle, taking the Princess's castle with it. Many of the party guests were imprisoned and Bowser threw Mario out of a window, sending him spiraling back towards the Mushroom World. Peach was once again forced to be a prisoner in her own castle.
- p Informations Développeur(s) Éditeur(s) Plateforme(s) Genre Moniteur Commandes Série Mode Date(s) de sortie Évaluations Langue(s) disponible(s) Peach's Castle est une démo technique annulée sur GameCube. Elle avait été annoncée le 22 mai 2001. En 2001 justement, Nintendo montrait diverses démos techniques pour montrer les capacités de leur GameCube. Ceci était dans le cadre du Nintendo GameCube Software Developement Kit. Dans la démo technique, le joueur dirige une flèche rouge pour passer et observer les différentes pièces du Château de Peach de Super Mario 64 mais ayant été grandement modifié afin de bien montrer les capacités et les caractéristiques de la GameCube. Il montre les effets graphiques suivants : les grandes textures, des bosses, des ombres, l'anti-aliasing, l'éclai
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| - Princess Peach Toadstool and the Mushroom Kingdom Federal/Royal Government
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| - Princess Peach, Toadsworth, Several Toads and 15 Toad guards
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| - Stone walls, stone towers, wooden drawbridge, and 15 toad guards.
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