| - The European Alliance was a political entity located on the European continent of Earth during the 24th century, and incorporated the city of Brussels amongst others. (TNG episode: "The Price") The European Alliance was probably the successor of the European Hegemony which existed in the 21st century (TNG episode: "Up the Long Ladder") or was a colloquial/alternative term for it and/or the European Union. The Alliance was probably bordered by the Mediterranean Alliance. (TOS novelization: Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
- The European Alliance was a political entity on the European continent on Earth in the 24th century. The city of Brussels was located in the Alliance. (TNG: "The Price" )
- The European Alliance, commonly known as Europia or the Alliance, is a star nation in EUROPA universe. Its main sovereign span across Central to Westward EUROPA, composing 27 constituent marches. The Alliance faces several civilizations and empires across their borders on North, South, Northwest and South-Southwestward space, while bordering unknown space on other sides. The Europian extra-universe territories scatter to every corners of space known to men, concentrating mostly along the borders between APAC-EUROPA and EUROPA-AFRICA, either as colonial interests, or simply client states. By the time of current era, the European Alliance is the largest empire in EUROPA & the 3rd largest in all known space. With more than 815 sedecillions sentients within core worlds only, the Alliance is EUROPA's superpower, as well as one of the most influential states in all known space. Before long, the Alliance is known as a liberal melting port for countless civilizations and species. Various star systems within Europian realm are known as top-choice for many immigration waves in history. Despite being one of the oldest in known space, excavations had showed that many of Europian core systems once held much older species. The star system of Oriana was one of those first colonized by the Europia from Earth that still has records. The Alliance itself, in time immemorial back on Earth, formed when a reformed and revitalized EU absorbed all European sovereign nations, minus Northern British Isles, Greenland, Nordic countries and Benelux nations which formed the Commondality, and Western Russia. During early expansion times, the Alliance expanded Eastward-Southward. By the start of 10th century UE, Fourth Era, worlds directly spanned from Crown Cloud to 1500+ parsec started forming the /First Worlds/, sometimes also called the Core Worlds. Over next centuries were the times of expanding and consolidating, with the First Worlds become the central power, taking part of Caelestra Reformation. Following the conflict with the Andromedan Invaders, the European Alliance rose into preminant superpower position throughout known space, surpassed by none, equal by few. Innitially a combination of Western European-styled representative democracy and e-democracy, the Alliance, after the Great Nael War in 12th century UE, 4th era, reforming fully their system toward direct democracy, with elements from confederation, self-ruled governments, and a power labyrinth structure largely resemble both medieval feudal Europe and welfar state styled socialism. The waves of secessions and split-ups, largely due to lingering effects from cultural identity paranoia or much-outdated nationalistic attitudes, disrupted their rising power and disjoint their territories during 5th to 8th millennia UE, 3rd era. Most of those that left later rejoined the Alliance, although some survived and rose into new powers in EUROPA. The Europia was among the first that ignified the 2nd renaissance in early 3rd era, with the foundation of several high magical institutions and extensive funding for magical R&D, including the Imperial Biblica Institute, resulting in being one of the most technological-magical advanced star powers in all known space. The European Alliance at best described is a confederation, with elements from directorial democracy, constitutional socio-aristocracy and European feudal styling, minus the religious fanaticism. The Europian core territories - stretching Central to Westward EUROPA - are made up by 27 marches, each head by a council, share power with the central authority, while extra-Alliance subjects linked only through mutual pacts, economic cooperations or tributary system, maintaining their own rulings. The /First Lord/ is the supreme ruler, serves as both the imperial sovereignty and the embodiment of state power; for millennia, this position is both hereditary or popular-voted. The power's balance is in constant changing, and divided between the First Lord - backed by his or her trusted advisors -, the /Parliament/ - composed of representatives from every civilization and species within Europian realms -, and the nobility - included those of noble royal families, high-ranks in multi-systems conglomerations and warrior-elite, and the system and planetary landlords. The infamous world of Goacarro served as their capital world, with the fantasy-liked Flamemere city is the power center, where central authority located. In modern eras, the Europia stands as one of foremost supreme powers throughout not only EUROPA space, both profoundingly across all sovereign space known to men. With a massive interstellar armed forces, known for their fierce and cunning strategies, a 3rd largest economy by nominal GDP, a 4th largest by PPP, as well as a well-known reputation as a cultural, economic and advanced center in EUROPA, the Alliance stands, with their gleeming fantasy-liked cities, as a reminder of resolve and prosperity. Inherited by rich, colorful cultural history from Europe and Western Russia on Earth, coped with those of other non-human much older species, the Alliance has been continuously the home of influential figures, such as artists, philosophers, musicians, sportsmen, entrepreneurs, scientists and inventors. The European Alliance is an active member in cross-galaxies politics. It's been either founding members or members of several intergovernmental alliances, like the New Schengen Accord, the PEE and many more. After the war, central authority had applied various policies to transition the Alliance to post-scarcity. While most Core star systems are already post-scarcity, in overall, Europia remains capitalist, with elements from Nordic model, democratic socialism and Rhine model. Trading with Rim and Core worlds are equally lucrative, although income's unequality and corruptions among welfare systems remain setbacks and headaces for the authorities. Many star systems in Europian space feature the images from fantasy-RPG games, with very high living standard, upholding social security, universal health care and free education. Inherited from rich and colorful history of Europe, the Alliance remains a pan-universe cultural hotpot.
- The European Alliance was a Terran political entity existing at least in the early 24th century, encompassing some, if not all, of the old nation-states on the European continent. It may have evolved out of the European Hegemony and co-existed with the United Earth government. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder", "The Price") One of the predecessor political entities to the Alliance, at least in the early 23rd century, was the Second European Union that included England, as Lexington navigator Terrence Lawford was born in that Union. Alternately, the Alliance may have been formed from the merging of the Second European Union with the European Hegemony. (Star Trek: Lexington (United Trek)) Dunames Lopez pledged, for Belgium, to attend a law school outside the European Alliance within three years of taking the 0L Pledge for European Law School Transparency in order to protest the Alliance's inaction about full disclosure of law school placement. She was the only one to break the pledge. (Star Trek: False Vacuum: "Pledge of the Protester")