| - The Rugrats Movie is a 1998 American animated film, based on the Rugrats TV series. The movie introduces Tommy's baby brother, Dil (who was named after Didi's cousin). From onwards, Dil appears as a regular character.
- Based on the popular 1990s animated Nickelodeon series, Rugrats, this film introduced Tommy's baby brother Dil Pickles, who appeared on the original series the next year. The film features the voices of E.G. Daily, Christine Cavanaugh, Kath Soucie, Cheryl Chase, Cree Summer, Tara Charendoff, and Charlie Adler, along with guest stars David Spade, Whoopi Goldberg, Margaret Cho, Busta Rhymes, and Tim Curry.
- The Rugrats Movie is a 1998 animated film, produced by Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies. This film introduced Tommy's baby brother Dil Pickles named after Didi Pickles' cousin. Dil later appeared in the Rugrats series the next year, and is considered the darkest of the Rugrats films ever to be produced due to its' tone and aspects of the storyline (Babies lost in dangerous woods, interior conflicts between the group over being lost and Dill himself), being radical departures from the series' usual light hearted appeal. There are mixed opinions on The Rugrats Movie as a result.
- Unfortunately, Angelica's words appear to be true when Dil quickly becomes very selfish, crying non-stop for attention, keeping all of the Rugrats' toys for himself, and refusing to share with Tommy. He also takes the attention of Didi and Stu, leading Tommy to feel ignored. After a particularly nasty fight between Tommy and Dil over Tommy's teddy bear, Stu has a conversation with Tommy about being a big brother and the responsibility he now has and assures him that one day he will be happy to have Dil as his little brother. He also gives Tommy a locket with a picture of Tommy and Dil taped together and a watch inside which he calls his "sponsitility", his term for responsibility.