天鵝站是DHARMA計劃的3號研究站,它於70年代末期秘密地建於小島的地底裡,並位於敵人的領土內。天鵝站在小島的西南方,與815航班生還者的營地相距大約1英里。 The station was originally designed to be a laboratory where DHARMA scientists would study and manipulate the "unique electromagnetic fluctuations" emanating from this sector of the Island. However, after a mysterious "incident", a special protocol was instituted to prevent a potential global catastrophe. (3xrc3) Two individuals manning the station would take shifts pressing a button (entering the Numbers into a computer) every 108 minutes. These two operators would live and work in the station, continuing this task for shifts lasting 540 days.
天鵝站是DHARMA計劃的3號研究站,它於70年代末期秘密地建於小島的地底裡,並位於敵人的領土內。天鵝站在小島的西南方,與815航班生還者的營地相距大約1英里。 The station was originally designed to be a laboratory where DHARMA scientists would study and manipulate the "unique electromagnetic fluctuations" emanating from this sector of the Island. However, after a mysterious "incident", a special protocol was instituted to prevent a potential global catastrophe. (3xrc3) Two individuals manning the station would take shifts pressing a button (entering the Numbers into a computer) every 108 minutes. These two operators would live and work in the station, continuing this task for shifts lasting 540 days. On November 27, 2004, the Swan imploded on activation of the fail-safe by Desmond Hume. A large crater now resides in its place. (2x23) (3x03)