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- Mello foi criado no orfanato Wammy's House, de onde saiu quando L morreu, dizendo deixar Near ser seu sucessor, mas indo atrás de um Death Note e fundando assim seu grupo mafioso. Está sempre acompanhado de uma barra de chocolate. Está sempre dizendo que não se dá bem com Near e não quer juntar forças com o mesmo. Ele é um garoto loiro com corte chanel, olhos azulados, e adquire uma cicatriz que pega seu rosto inteiro, causada pela explosão que fez ao fugir.
- Mello (メロ, Mero), is the oldest of L's two successors, raised at Wammy's House—Watari's orphanage for gifted children in Winchester, England. When Roger decides that Mello should work with Near to capture Kira, he refuses, citing an inability to work with somebody he is considered "second" to. He leaves the orphanage soon after, stating "I'll find my own way," and eventually seeks help from the Mafia.
- Mello est un esprit, l'esprit du petit lion. Il appartient à la constellationniste Spirit.
- Mihael Keehl ("Mihael" senza la C per motivi di budget), detto Mello per via della passione di Tsugumi Ohba per i nomi idioti, è un personaggio di Death Note, un cosplayer di Raffaella Carrà e il maggior testimonial della Lindt.
- Mello is the wild, fun loving, adventure seeking best friend of Charmy Bee. Mello wears a scarf, a helmet, and thick goggles over his eyes.
- thumb|Mello und die obligatorische Schoko Mello (Mihael Keehl) will Near Ls Titel nicht überlassen. Er beginnt ein Spiel mit Light, da ihm eines der Death Notes in die Hände fällt. Im Gegensatz zu L und Near ist Mello sehr emotional. Seine impulsive Art macht ihn gefährlich und unvorhersehbar, wobei er sogar mit Verbrechern zusammenarbeitet. Letztendlich gibt er Near aber wichtige Hinweise, bevor er von Kira ermordet wird.
- While Mello is certainly a genius and more intelligent than most people, the concept of being only the second most intelligent person in Wammy's House, behind Near, fuels the inferiority complex that defines Mello's character. Mello verges on immorality in his obsession with being the one to take down Kira and is willing to do "whatever it takes," including kidnapping the director of the Japanese Police's daughter (Sayu Yagami) and having a member of the Mafia write down most of the SPK members' names in Sidoh's Death Note. In the manga, after Mello has successfully stolen a Death Note, he even goes so far as to attempt to blackmail the president of the United States via telephone into giving him funds and resources to aid his pursuit of Kira, threatening that if his demands are not met he
- Mello war ein ehemaliger Freund von Charmy Bee. <default>Mello</default> Bild Daten Spitznamen Aussehen Fell Augen Haut Haare Kleidung Fähigkeiten und Verwandlungen Fähigkeiten Verwandlungen Verbindungen zu anderen Charakteren Freunde Familie Rivalen Feinde Auftritte Erster Auftritt Bislang letzter Auftritt Weitere Auftritte Kreation Gestalter des Charakters Erfinder des Charakters Synchronsprecher Deutscher Synchronsprecher Englischer Synchronsprecher Japanischer Synchronsprecher Weitere Synchronsprecher
- Mello's early life (much like the rest of the weirdos at Wammy's House; Watari's Orphanage in England) remains a great mystery. He was found in front of the gates of Wammy's House with a small bowel in his hands. Watari took the young child in and proceeded to ask the child where he came from. Unfortunately, the young effeminate weirdo had no idea where he was born, who his parents were, or what the hell he did in his early days. However, Mello did mention that several days ago, he had chased a strange, talking, sponge-like creature and his mentally retarded starfish friend all the way to England in a psychotic fashion after they tried to sell him chocolate. He had given up chasing the two underwater idiots and sat out in front of the orphanage wearing nothing, but a sleeveless leather ves