| - Lahore (Urdu: لاہور), the second largest city of Pakistan, is the capital of the Punjab Province. It has a glorious history and has remained associated with a number of Mughal Emperors and Empress. Lahore is located near the Ravi River and the Indian border, Wagah. The major languages spoken are Punjabi and Urdu. Lahore has excellently preserved all its monuments of the Mughal period and thereafter, and has many interesting spots and the spectacles for the visitors. The city is well known for its cultural and literary activities. People of Lahore are friendly people and they celebrate many festivals blending the traditional mughal, modern, western and latest trends.
- Pakistan's second largest city, historical and cultural center. Also a major up-and-coming IT and technology center. Said by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah that Lahore Pakistan ka dil hai or Lahore is Pakistan's heart.
- Lahore - dawna stolica państwa Sikhów, a od 1849 Pendżabu angielskiego, nad Rawi, ma 177,000 mieszkańców, dobre fortyfikacje, mnóstwo karawanserajów, pałaców, meczetów, pagód, mauzoleów, grobów świętych i wspaniałych budowli starożytnych. Chociaż Lahore straciło już dawna świetność, jednakże jeszcze należy do najznakomitszych grodów Hindostanu. Dnia 22 lutego 1846 roku miasto i cytadela stały zajęte przez armię angielską, a w 1849 Lahore z całym Pendżabem wcielone zostało do posiadłości angloindyjskich. SO
- Lahore es una ciudad ubicada en Pakistán, en Asia.
- Lahore is a city in Pakistan. There is an ice rink in the city.
- Lahore was a city in Pakistan. In 1909, the immortal Jack Harkness stole diamonds from a mine there. When a Chosen One was accidentally killed by one of his soldiers, the Fairies killed all his men in retaliation, Jack becoming the only survivor due to his immortality. (TV: Small Worlds)
- Lahore is the capital of the Pakistani province of Punjab and is the second largest city in Pakistan after Karachi. Tariq Amir came from Lahore. (CI:"World's Fair")
- Lahore is the capital city of the Pakistani province of Punjab. It is the second most populous city in Pakistan and the 32nd most populous city in the world.[3] The city is located in the north-eastern end of Pakistan's Punjab province, near the border with the Indian state of Punjab. Lahore is ranked as a gamma+ world city,[6] and is one of Pakistan's wealthiest cities with an estimated GDP of $58.14 billon..[7]
- Lahore (Urdu: لاہور, Punjabi: لہور, pronounced [la.hor]) is the capital of the province of Punjab, and is the second most densely populated city in Pakistan. It is also known as the Paris of the East, Gardens of the Mughals or City of Gardens, after the significant rich heritage of the Mughal Empire. In most popular culture Lahore is known as the Heart of Pakistan. It is located near the rivers Ravi and Wagah close to the Pakistan-India border. __TOC__
| - Lahore (Urdu: لاہور), the second largest city of Pakistan, is the capital of the Punjab Province. It has a glorious history and has remained associated with a number of Mughal Emperors and Empress. Lahore is located near the Ravi River and the Indian border, Wagah. The major languages spoken are Punjabi and Urdu. Lahore has excellently preserved all its monuments of the Mughal period and thereafter, and has many interesting spots and the spectacles for the visitors. The city is well known for its cultural and literary activities. People of Lahore are friendly people and they celebrate many festivals blending the traditional mughal, modern, western and latest trends.
- Pakistan's second largest city, historical and cultural center. Also a major up-and-coming IT and technology center. Said by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah that Lahore Pakistan ka dil hai or Lahore is Pakistan's heart.
- Lahore - dawna stolica państwa Sikhów, a od 1849 Pendżabu angielskiego, nad Rawi, ma 177,000 mieszkańców, dobre fortyfikacje, mnóstwo karawanserajów, pałaców, meczetów, pagód, mauzoleów, grobów świętych i wspaniałych budowli starożytnych. Chociaż Lahore straciło już dawna świetność, jednakże jeszcze należy do najznakomitszych grodów Hindostanu. Dnia 22 lutego 1846 roku miasto i cytadela stały zajęte przez armię angielską, a w 1849 Lahore z całym Pendżabem wcielone zostało do posiadłości angloindyjskich. SO
- Lahore is the capital city of the Pakistani province of Punjab. It is the second most populous city in Pakistan and the 32nd most populous city in the world.[3] The city is located in the north-eastern end of Pakistan's Punjab province, near the border with the Indian state of Punjab. Lahore is ranked as a gamma+ world city,[6] and is one of Pakistan's wealthiest cities with an estimated GDP of $58.14 billon..[7] Lahore is the historic cultural centre of the Punjab region,[8][9][10] and is the largest Punjabi city in the world.[11] The city has a long history, and was once under the rule of the Hindu Shahis, Ghaznavids, Ghurids, and the Delhi Sultanate. Lahore reached the height of its splendour under the Mughal Empire, serving as its capital city for a number of years. The city was contested between the Maratha Empire and Durrani Empire; then became capital of the Sikh Empire, before becoming the capital of the Punjab under British rule.[12] Lahore was central to the independence movements of both India and Pakistan, with the city being the site of both the declaration of Indian Independence, and the resolution calling for the establishment of Pakistan. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Lahore became the capital of Pakistan's Punjab province. Lahore is one of Pakistan's most liberal and cosmopolitan cities.[13] It exerts a strong cultural influence over Pakistan.[9] Lahore is a major centre for Pakistan's publishing industry, and remains the foremost centre of Pakistan's literary scene. The city is also a major centre of education in Pakistan,[14] with some of Pakistan's leading universities based in the city.[15] Lahore is also home to Pakistan's film industry, Lollywood, and is a major centre of Qawwali music.[16] The city is also much of Pakistan's tourist industry,[16][17] with major attractions including the old Walled City, and the Badshahi and Wazir Khan mosques. Lahore is also home to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens.[17]
- Lahore es una ciudad ubicada en Pakistán, en Asia.
- Lahore is a city in Pakistan. There is an ice rink in the city.
- Lahore was a city in Pakistan. In 1909, the immortal Jack Harkness stole diamonds from a mine there. When a Chosen One was accidentally killed by one of his soldiers, the Fairies killed all his men in retaliation, Jack becoming the only survivor due to his immortality. (TV: Small Worlds)
- Lahore is the capital of the Pakistani province of Punjab and is the second largest city in Pakistan after Karachi. Tariq Amir came from Lahore. (CI:"World's Fair")
- Lahore (Urdu: لاہور, Punjabi: لہور, pronounced [la.hor]) is the capital of the province of Punjab, and is the second most densely populated city in Pakistan. It is also known as the Paris of the East, Gardens of the Mughals or City of Gardens, after the significant rich heritage of the Mughal Empire. In most popular culture Lahore is known as the Heart of Pakistan. It is located near the rivers Ravi and Wagah close to the Pakistan-India border. Due to Lahore's rich history, the Mughal and colonial architecture has still been preserved in all its splendour. Alkaram Scientific Traders is also siutated in New anarkali Lahore.Mughal architecture such as, the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, Shalimar Gardens and the mausoleums of Jehangir and Nur Jehan are very popular tourist spots in the city. Various colonial buildings originally built by the British, such as the Lahore High Court, General Post Office (GPO) and many of the older universities still retain their Mughal-Gothic style. Punjabi is the native language of the province, and is the most widely spoken language in Lahore and rural areas, although Urdu and English are becoming more popular with younger generations as they are officially supported while panjabi has no official patronage. Many people of Lahore who speak Punjabi are known as Lahori Punjabi due to a mixture of Punjabi and colloquial Urdu. According to the 1998 census, Lahore's population was nearly 7 million. Mid 2006 government estimates now put the population at somewhere around 10 million. [1] It is the second largest city in Pakistan, after Karachi. Lahore is the 5th largest city in South Asia and 23rd of the largest cities of the world. __TOC__