| - [Source] Le baron Soontir Fel est né en 28 av.BY sur Corellia.
- When you receive a stress token, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.
- Soontir Fel, o Barón Fel si se aplica su título nobiliario, fue considerado como uno de los mejores pilotos de cazas TIE que ha tenido el Imperio Galáctico en sus filas. Como tal, destaco especialmente en el escuadron 181 de TIE Interceptores. Posteriormente se unió el Escuadrón Pícaro de la alianza rebelde con el objetivo de encontrar a su mujer Wynsia Starflare (Syal Antilles), hermana del líder del escuadrón, Wedge Antilles. Más tarde, una vez la hubo localizado escapó con ella a las regiones desconocidas, de la galaxía con el objetivo de vivir en paz y lejos de la guerra, uniendose al conglomerado de la Ascendencia Chiss.
- Soontir Feliä (s. 28 BBY) pidettiin yhtenä galaksin parhaista piloteista ja hänestä tuli Imperiumin sankari, mutta hänen tiensä huipulle oli kaikkea muuta paitsi helppo. Hän syntyi Corellialla maanviljelijäperheeseen ja kehitti lentäjäntaitojaan peltojen yläpuolella ennen kuin pääsi keisarilliseen akatemiaan ja aloitti uransa TIE hävittäjien lentäjänä. Hän palveli uskollisesti ja osoitti vastuuntuntoisuutta miehiään kohtaan. Hänen uraansa kuitenkin tuli häpeätahra tapahtumista, jotka eivät olleet hänen hallinnassaan ja Fel karkotettiin heikkomaineiseen 181. keisarilliseen hävittäjälentueeseen, jonka hän onnistui nostamaan jaloilleen. Hän sai tittelin Keisarillinen paroni, minkä lisäksi hänellä oli maine imperiumin tappavimpana lentäjänä ja 181. hävittäjälentue nousi pohjalta eliittiin. Näi
- Soontir Fel was considered among the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy, becoming an Imperial hero, but his journey to those heights was anything but easy. Born on Corellia to a farming family, Fel developed his piloting skills over the fields before gaining entrance to the Imperial Academy and beginning a career as a TIE fighter pilot. He served dutifully, demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility for his men. After a series of events out of his control tarnished his career, Fel was exiled to the lackluster 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, which he revived, eventually gaining its command and the title of Baron of the Empire, winning Fel a reputation as the Empire's most deadly pilot and the 181st as its most elite starfighter unit. During that time, Fel met and married the famous actr
- Inizialmente arruolatosi come cadetto di volo nel Corpo dei caccia stellari, Fel venne rapidamente promosso al grado di Capitano, guadagnando fama e rispetto presso i suoi contemporanei. Chiese e ottenne il trasferimento nella Flotta Imperiale quale comandante di vascello: sperava di ottenere il prestigioso incarico di comandante di uno Star Destroyer di classe Imperial I, ma alla fine dovette accontentarsi di un Incrociatore Leggero classe Carrack. Deluso ma non abbattuto, Fel servì con diligenza sulla sua nave, comandando tutto l'equipaggio di 1.000 uomini. Tuttavia durante una battaglia spaziale ebbe una fortissima discussione con il suo superiore in grado nella flotta, e questi lo fece ritrasferire poco dopo al Corpo dei Caccia. Solo che stavolta, come punizione, gli fu affidato un Cac
- Fel started out flying for the Empire, leading the 181st Imperial fighter wing under the command of Ysanne Isard. At some point, he married Wedge Antilles' sister. In a bitter duel to the death with Tycho Celchu at the Battle of Brentaal, he was shot by Horton Salm's ion cannon. Fel switched to the Rebels' side, serving with Rogue Squadron until he was captured again by Isard, who turned him over to Thrawn. He became rather confused at this runaround and found himself in the ranks of the Chiss, where he settled down.