The Worst Witch is a British television series about a group of young witches at a Magic Academy and is based on The Worst Witch books by Jill Murphy. The series follows Mildred Hubble, a normal girl from a world outside of magic, as she finds herself at Miss Cackle’s Academy for witches, and strives not to be The Worst Witch! It is the fifth adaptation of The Worst Witch series after the 1986 television film, the 1998 television series, the 2001 television spin-off and the 2005 television spin-off. Website:
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| - The Worst Witch is a British television series about a group of young witches at a Magic Academy and is based on The Worst Witch books by Jill Murphy. The series follows Mildred Hubble, a normal girl from a world outside of magic, as she finds herself at Miss Cackle’s Academy for witches, and strives not to be The Worst Witch! It is the fifth adaptation of The Worst Witch series after the 1986 television film, the 1998 television series, the 2001 television spin-off and the 2005 television spin-off. Website:
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| - The Worst Witch is a British television series about a group of young witches at a Magic Academy and is based on The Worst Witch books by Jill Murphy. The series follows Mildred Hubble, a normal girl from a world outside of magic, as she finds herself at Miss Cackle’s Academy for witches, and strives not to be The Worst Witch! Cast Members include Clare Higgins as headteacher Miss Cackle; Raquel Cassidy as the deputy-headteacher and fearsome potions teacher, Miss Hardbroom; Bella Ramsey as Mildred Hubble; Meibh Campbell and Tamara Smart as her friends Maud Spellbody and Enid Nightshade; and Jenny Richardson as Ethel Hallow. It is the fifth adaptation of The Worst Witch series after the 1986 television film, the 1998 television series, the 2001 television spin-off and the 2005 television spin-off. The series is a co-production between CBBC and ZDF. The 12-part series started airing in January 2017, and will be available to stream internationally on Netflix in 2017. The Worst Witch: Magic Adventure is an online game on the CBBC website, designed to tie in with the series. Website: