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- “Until we get them installed, yes.” Asheron said while weaving a simple portal sending over three small crystals, “These will send them to the proper locations.” Asheron's features took on a concerned look as he continued, “I fear, however, that Guardians alone will not be enough if these Apostate Virindi decide to disrupt the pedestals like they sought to stop me directly. Send one of the Emissaries to Elysa, and ask if she minds if I do a little recruiting as well.”
- His mother had often spoken highly of The Explorer Society. She had worked with them on more than one occasion and had always found them to be accommodating and genuinely interested in bettering society. Borelean could quickly tell that his mother had been right in her assessment on their society, and that he was right in calling on these men today.
- “I too have watched the citizens of this world become more closed off from one another. I agree change would be for the best. How can we assist in this new vision you have for these lands?” Ansar asked as he spoke for the first time since being invited into these chambers.
- “That is why I have called you three here today. Your society has helped my mother in the past, I wonder if you can help me now as well. The Explorer Society has always been a trusted friend to the kingdom and I can think of no one else who could be as useful in this matter. The people recognize your society and relate to its members. Perhaps we can use that, in combination with their never ending desire for more, to coax our people to lend aid to one another once again.”Borelean's face had brightened at the thought of his kingdom working together again.
- Prince Borelean paced slowly across his chambers, his arms behind his back, staring intently at the floor as he walked. He often stared at the floor as he went over his thoughts, a signal his court had learned as a time not to interrupt their lord.
- The three men rose from their seats and bowed before their lord before leaving his chambers. A rare smile had appeared on the face of this prince as his mind explored the idea of a kingdom stronger today than it had been in the past. This plan just might work.
- “Excellent idea Niccolo, I knew I could count on The Explorers to help in this matter. Get started on this right away and let me know of any assistance my court can provide. I thank you gentlemen for coming by today, and for the new bonds you will provide to the people of this world.”
- “True. It is possible the attack was directed either at me, or at the magics I was using to remove them from the Portalspace fluxuation they are trapped in.” Asheron said, half to the Emissary and half to himself. The point had been debated several times amongst the constructs he had created, with no clear answer. “Are the modifications to the Portalspace Stabilizers completed?”
- “As you wish, my Lord. Do you wish Guardians sent to secure these areas?”
- “As best the Observers can without being detected, Master.”
- “Perfect. He will not understand how he has aided us until it is too late for his fellow entities.”
- “Not yet. They are a delicate modification, to say the least. Passively collecting information on the fluxuation, the recent disturbance, and these Apostate Virindi, without compromising the basic functions of the stabilizer, are proving more difficult than initially proposed.”
- “I'll set the Guardians to locating properly aligned places, my Lord.”
- “Are the Lightbringer's actions being monitored?”
- “I still do not understand what this offshoot of the Virindi hopes to gain.” Asheron said to the Emissary he was working alongside, “What is it about the pocket of trapped Empyreans that's attracting their aggression?”
- Borelean's face showed the emotions that ran through him as he talked about this issue, pain and sadness which he didn't attempt to hide.
- “We do not yet have enough data to determine that, my Lord.” Replied the glowing elemental. “Are we sure the attack is directed against them?”
- Asheron had spent weeks in his sanctuary, working on ways to both stabilize Portalspace and to isolate the threat that had attacked his earlier efforts at freeing the small pocket of his people Claude had directed him to. A small army of Emissaries and Golems swarmed through the sanctuary, rushing the construction of the three devices he'd need to make more permanent corrections to the destabilized area in Portalspace.
- Niccolo De Luca recognized this moment as a perfect time to enter the conversation. He had not been sure how The Prince would receive him due to his Viamontian heritage. Prince Borelean had not made mention of it upon him entering the room. Maybe The Prince had plans to improve on the relations between the two kingdoms that his mother had started with the weak truce made almost two years ago. The kindness could, however, simply be due to his membership in the society that The Prince respected. “We could find citizens that need help your lord, and direct willing adventurous citizens in their direction with the promise of hefty rewards in exchange for their assistance. As people begin giving aid to one another, we can continue to find more citizens that need help and more tasks that need work. Over time we should be able to direct those who are interested to all parts of the world, and to places they may have forgotten about. I think this could work for everyone's benefit.”
- Far from Asheron's Sanctum, in a subterranean hall, another conversation was taking place.
- Esmond Fielding was the first to speak out. “We have worked with the kingdom before, and are always happy to help when we can. What does New Aluvia ask of us this day?”
- “No need. I have three places in mind already.”
- Borelean listened as the Viamontian discussed his idea. It still felt strange to be seated across from someone of a kingdom he had been at war with for ages. He knew his hopes of creating a new bond between the two lands would be a slow process fraught with much resistance from both sides. In fact this plan that Niccolo laid out before him could serve to improve his own kingdom at the same time as it brought increased trust from his previous enemies of Viamontian descent.
- “Gentlemen, thank you for arriving at my request, please have a seat.” Prince Borelean motioned his hand directing the three gentlemen who had entered his quarters over to one of fine sofas near the center of the room. The orderly who had brought the men to the room quietly shut the door behind them, as he always did, so that the conversation would not be disturbed.
- “Yes, Master. Soon, his devices will create the solidification of Portalspace necessary for us to speed the process of draining the energies contained in the trapped flesh-beings.”
- “I'll look over the changes again. I may be able to aid the base functions of the devices geomantically, but they'll have to be placed in specific locations if that method proves useful.” Asheron replied, while sorting through a selection of enchanted crystals on the table. “That way, more of the fine-tuned functions of the pedestal can be diverted to the collection of information.”
- “As you wish, my Lord.”
- “Is he moving forwarded as expected?”
- “I have come to a sad realization about my kingdom in current times. There is a disconnect between the citizens and the kingdom, a lack of caring it seems. People are no longer willing to help one another just for the sake of kindness and unity. Treasure and wealth seem to be the only motivators these days, a fact which is saddening to think about. I wish to begin the process of change, the process of bringing this kingdom together once again. Return the people of this world to the days when everyone shared in the goal of advancing the society, a time when everyone remembered we were all united as beings who had become stranded from their home worlds and struggled for survival in this strange land. The people seem to have forgotten this common thread that connects us all.”
- The doors to Borelean's chamber opened gently causing the prince to snap out of his daze and head over to the center of the room.