| - SETI is the abbreviation for the Civilian Project Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. In the 1990s SETI collaborated with NASA on the High Resolution Microwave Survey before the project was shutdown by Senator Richard Bryan (TXF: "Little Green Men").
- Seti is a Terran Dominion world that housed a Dominion base during the Brood War. These was also a zerg presence on the planet. In 2500, the Dominion base's sensor tower malfunctioned, allowing zerglings to get into the base's barracks. Dave of Rho Squadron was killed before he could get out of his bunk, but the remaining zerglings were repelled.
- SETI är en vetenskaplig sökande efter intelligent utomjordisk liv. Efter John Sheppard lyckats sända ett subrymd meddelande till Atlantis. Meredith Rodney McKay hade fångat upp meddelandet i subrymd som var slumpmässigt brus så han använde ett De gamla program för vädra ut konstgjorda mönster. Han skämtade med det var SETIs sätt att upptäcka avancerade livsformer. (ATL: "Travelers")kategori:Datorprogramkategori:Tau'ri teknologi
- La xerca per intelijentia estrateran (engles: Search for Extraterrestrial Inteligence = SETI) es un projeta comensada en la desenio 1960. Se ativia xef es la scane de la sielo con radiotelescopios per trova un sinia estrateran. Asta aora los no es susedente.
- SETI, ΣΕΤΙ, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Τα αρχικά της λέξης S.E.T.I σημαίνουν Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence και με αυτήν χαρακτηρίζονται γενικά οι ανθρώπινες προσπάθειες για την ανακάλυψη νοήμονος ζωής εκτός του Ηλιακού Συστήματος.
- You can find them here, or on the Shop Wizard for around 20,000NP. "Seti can bound across the open desert at remarkable speeds using their long slender legs."
- It's extremely unlikely that SETI will stumble upon a planet like Earth where intelligent life has evolved and developed an advanced technology. Despite this if one or more Type 2 or Type 3 Galactic civilizations exist in our neighborhood there is a good chance we could contact one of many star systems where they have bases.
- Il progetto SETI è tra le più ambiziose idee intraprese dal genere umano, secondo solo allo scudo fiscale. Si prefigge come scopo primario di ricercare forme di vita Extra-Terrestri Intelligenti, anche solo un paio. Come secondo scopo, trasformare in onde radio milioni di dollari e spargerli a caso nell'universo.
- SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is the name for a number of organized efforts to detect Extraterrestrial life. A number of efforts with "SETI" have been organized, including projects funded by the United States Government. The general approach of SETI projects is to survey the sky to detect the existence of transmissions from a civilization on a distant planet, an approach widely endorsed by the scientific community as hard science (see, e.g., claims in Skeptical Inquirer .)
- SETI es una fantasía de jóvenes astrónomos que trata sobre la búsqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre que está acompañada con lo que piensan los jóvenes sobre el universo. Na Ho Sik es un integrante del club SETI es extremadamente curioso y dedicado al universo y a la vida extraterrestre, es el líder del club SETI. La actriz protagónica es Seo Hyo Rim quien actúa como una integrante de SETI, Lee Min Joo. Los dos personajes son una pareja de jóvenes que forman parte de un club que busca en el cielo signos de vida extraterrestre.
- SETI, or Search for Eny Terrestrial Intelligence (the spelling error was found out after the name had been trademarked), is the effort to find intelligent life forms on Earth. For years, the existence of intelligent life on Earth has been suspected, but so far, no clear sign of such lifeforms' existence has been found. Millions of people around the world volunteer for the project by spending time in front of electromagnetic signals on their "TVs", in the hope of detecting some sign of intelligence. The closest the project has ever gotten was in the 70s, when a short signal, the so-called WOW! signal (named as an ironic reference to the fact that you obviously won't be finding any intelligence in WoW), was detected in a stream called Monty Python's Flying Circus.
- Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence eli tuttavallisemmin SETI on laite, joka on automaattisesti kaikissa avaruusaluksissa. Se annetaan heti avaruuspelin ensimmäisissä tehtävissä muukalaisten havaitsemiseen. Kun viet hiiresi tähtikartalla tähtijärjestelmän päälle, SETI ilmoittaa sinisillä singaaleilla, jos järjestelmässä on avaruustason elämää tai muinaisjäänteitä. Jos lennät tähdelle, löydät sieltä toisen avaruusvaltakunnan. SETIn kantomatka on 20 parserkkia.
- The Seti were a northwestern Quon Tali tribe which were thought to have long since ceased to exist except in name, so thoroughly had they been assimilated into Quon culture. Traditionally they had inhabited Por Seti and divided themselves into warrior societies and assemblies named for the native animals such as the jackal, ferret, wolf, dog, and plains lion.
- SETI is an American project looking for radio signals from advanced extraterrestrial life. The letters stand for, “Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Unlike UFOlogy SETI is hard science. Finding anything is difficult as scientists don’t know what to look for or where to look. Originally the United States government funded SETI but now private funds are used.
- SETI ist die Abkürzung für Search for extraterrestial Intelligence, die Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz. Weltweit widmen sich tausende pseudowissenschaftlich angehauchte Menschen diesem seltsamen Zeitvertreib, bis auf die Ortung von Störsignalen von Satelliten und einigen CB-Funk-Fragmenten konnte allerdings bisher kein Kontakt zu Außerirdischen hergestellt werden.
- However, shortly after the Second Dynasty's fall, Ra forgot about the planet giving Seti free reign. Despite this, Seti remained loyal to Ra and continued to send shipments of naquadah through to the supply depot he had been given co-ordinates for; what he didn't realize was that it had been abandoned by Ra long ago, and was in fact destroyed. Seti's Jaffa soon began to dwindle, not having any fresh symbiotes to imlpant in them, nor anyone he could contact in order to gain further troops.
- SETIes un dispositivo que se encuentra en todas las naves espaciales y que conseguirás gratis poco después de salir de tu sistema solar. El dispositivo se usa situando el cursor del ratón sobre sistemas solares hasta 20 pársecs de distancia. Si el dispositivo detecta otra civilización espacial en la estrella, verás que emite ondas de radio azul desde la estrella y escucharás transmisiones distorsionadas. Si te carcas y entras en el sistema solar, te encontrarás un nueva raza extraterrestre.
- Проект SЕТI — ( англ. SETI — Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Поиски внеземных цивилизаций. Некоторые астрономы давно считают, что планет во Вселенной так много, что даже если малая их часть пригодна для жизни, то тысячи или даже миллионы планет должны быть обитаемыми. Последние достижения астрономии и физики укрепили представление о существовании многих планетных систем, пригодных для жизни. Но если где-то там существуют развитые цивилизации, то как нам установить с ними контакт?
- Seti var en av Ras mindre underlord, med tanke råda över planeten Terella under andra Goa'uld dynasti. Han fick i uppdrag att härska över den lokala befolkningen, Terellanerna, tvinga dem att bryta naquadah från området kring Stargate och skicka det vidare till en annan av Ras utposter att tas emot av Ra styrkor. Trots Seti död bodde hans arv på som mycket sarkofagen han använde för att läka sig själv senare användes av Pyrus, långsamt roterande honom till det onda. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two") kategori:Goa'uld kategori:Underlord
- SETI estas mallongigo de serĉado pri esperanta inteligento (angle search for esperantal intelligence), kaj estas uzata por grupo de diversaj aktivaĵoj, lanĉita de sciencistoj por aktive esplori la eblecon de inteligentaj esperantaĵoj en ia parto de la universo.100px|right|thumb|SETI la 1-a Ĝi estas projekto organizita de Instituto samnoma, kun sidejo en Usono. Ĝin lanĉis interalie la fama sciencisto Carl Sagan.
- O SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, "Busca por Inteligência Extraterrestre") é um dispositivo encontrado em todas as naves espaciais. É dado a você gratuitamente no início das missões para seu império no Estágio Espacial, e é usado para encontrar vida inteligente. Ao deixar o seu sistema estelar, o aparelho é usado ao passar o cursor do mouse sobre as estrelas. Não é possível ver o dispositivo SETI em nenhuma aba de ferramentas; você terá que ir ao menu minhas coleções e então ir ao menu ferramentas para vê-lo. As vezes , piratas usam o SETI para invadir sua nave
- [[Datei:Pioneer Plakette.jpg|thumb|SETI-Grüße auf der Pioneer 10, um 1970]] SETI ist die Abkürzung für „Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence“, zu deutsch „Suche nach außerirdischem Leben“. Das Projekt stammt aus dem 20. und 21. Jahrhundert der Erde und ist einer der ersten Versuche, Kontakt mit außerirdischen Lebensformen aufzunehmen. Die junge Forscherin Rain Robinson entdeckt 1996 die USS Voyager und übermittelt die Standard-SETI-Begrüßung. (VOY: )