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- The Ogdru Jahad are fictional characters in Mike Mignola's Hellboy comic. They are the Dragon of Revelation, and are destined to bring about the end of the world. Though the Ogdru Jahad are the ultimate antagonists in the series, they are not themselves active, their release from imprisonment instead being the object of many other villains' plans. They were imprisoned in their Golden Cocoons by the [[wikipedia:#The Right Hand of Doom|Right Hand of Doom]] shortly after the creation of Earth, but not before they spawned 369 children, known as the Ogdru Hem.
- The Ogdru Jahad, also known as the Ogdru eb Jurhad, The Serpents (the Serpent in plural), The Beasts (The Beast in plural) the Seven Who Are One and the Seven Gods of Chaos, are monstrous supernatural entities and main antagonists in Mike Mignola's Hellboy comic book series. They are the seven-headed Dragon of Revelation in a Biblical sense, and are destined to bring about the end of the world. They were imprisoned in their Golden Cocoons by the Right Hand of Doom shortly after the creation of Earth, but not before they spawned 369 children, known as the Ogdru Hem.
- The Ogdru Jahad, also sometimes called the Ogdru eb Jurhad, are the Dragon of Revelation, and are destined to bring about the end of the world. They were imprisoned in golden cocoons by the Right Hand of Doom shortly after the creation of Earth, but not before they spawned 369 children, known as the Ogdru Hem.
- Ogdru Jahad, Draken, Ormen, De Sju som är En, Kaosgudarna, är en ärkefiende Hellboy. De är sju till antalet: Amon-Jahad, Adad-Jahad, Namrat-Jahad, Irra-Jahad, Nunn-Jahad, Beuu-Jahad och Nergal-Jahad.
- <default>Ogdru Jahad</default> BildWiki.png Titel Herkunft Zugehörigkeit Familie Werk Die Ogdru Jahad sind in der Welt der Hellboy-Comics uralte Götter, deren Schicksal es ist, das Ende der Welt auszulösen. Sie sind der Drache der Apokalypse, basieren jedoch überwiegend auf H.P. Lovecrafts Großen Alten. Hellboys Kampf gegen die Ogdru Jahad ist laut Autor Mike Mignola eine Form des Chaoskampfes. Ihre Namen sind:
* Amon-Jahad
* Adad-Jahad
* Namrat-Jahad
* Irra-Jahad
* Nunn-Jahad
* Beuu-Jahad
* Nergal-Jahad