| - In 2268, Mister Lurry handed James T. Kirk a pouch containing a sample of quadrotriticale to examine. Later, Kirk passed it on to Pavel Chekov, who left it on the Deep Space Station K-7's bar counter, where its contents were promptly consumed by a tribble. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles" )
- A small pocket dropped by a Laphine that contains something. On iRO, this item is localized as Small Pocket.
- A Pouch is an object created in battle through Enutrof Water spells. The Pouch contains an items which the targetted creature will normally drop as a reward after combat.
- The Pouch is an item in Planescape: Torment.
- A pouch can hold 16 slots of equipment. Drag it into an empty pouch slot on the right side of the Inventory Window. Up to 3 pouches (plus the Bag you begin the game with) can be used.
- The Pouch is an item from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. A pouch belonging to Gulley, it allows Link to store more items; in gameplay terms, it allows Link to use the X button for item usage alongside the Y button. After Gulley goes missing, Link travels throughout Hyrule searching for him. In the Haunted Grove, atop the central tree stump, he finds Gulley's pouch. Gulley's mother says that Gulley had intended to give it to Link himself before he went missing, so she grants him permission to keep it instead.
- Poucheista voit tehdä erilaisten tavaroiden kanssa Summoningpoucheja. Niillä voit kutsua eläimiä.
- The man known as Pouch was an underworld courier, information broker and smuggler.
- Pouch was a small canvas bag discovered inside of a tree trunk. Upon opening it he discovered it was a pouch of diamonds.
- Wherever bony fish are abundant there will be fishing animals, including, on occasion, non-avian dinosaurs. In fact, fishing non-avian dinosaurs, such as Baryonyx, existed in Early Cretaceous times. The rivers of the Australia, however, have a unique group of fish-catching theropods called the pouches. These generally belong to the same genus, Saccosaurus, and have evolved from Kakuru, the same ancestor as the cribrum. They are quite amphibious, being happier sculling about on the surface of the water and diving to the river bed than waddling about on land. Their buoyant bodies, big heads and webbed feet make the adults look very ungainly and vulnerable as they tend to their nests on riverbanks. The nests are built of mud and sticks, above the local flood level. The eggs, hatchlings and ju
- Pouches are containers that are used to store other items, essentially expanding the player's inventory. Pouches come in three different sizes, which are small, medium, and large, holding 9, 18, and 27 inventory spaces respectively, and in various colours. Pouches are unable to hold other pouches, but can contain other storage containers like chests and furnaces. When you find your first pouch, you earn the achievement "Bigger on the Inside".
- En puch er et element som brukes i Summoning ferdigheter. De brukes til ålage Summoning pouches som er gjennomsyret med makt til åtilkalle en bestemt skapning. Nårsågjennomsyret, blir et symbol som representerer som skapning etset påposenoverflate. Disse tomme poser kan kjøpes fra Pikkupstix i Taverley, Bogrog i innkallingen butikkenav Gu'Tanoth, eller innkallingen butikken i Nature grotta for en mynt hver. en puch er ogsåen mulig tyvegods fra spirit Implings.
- These empty pouches can be bought from Pikkupstix in Taverley, Bogrog in the summoning shop of Gu'Tanoth, the summoning shop in the Nature Grotto, or from Lord Amlodd in Prifddinas for 1 coin each. To create the imbued summoning pouches, you need to take one of the empty pouches to a Summoning Obelisk along with the correct number of Spirit shards, one of the appropriate colours of Charms, and another ingredient specific to the creature you want to imbue the pouch for. These specific items are listed in the article for the imbued Summoning pouches.
- Een Pouch is een voorwerp dat je gebruikt in de Summoning skill. Ze worden gebruikt om Summoning pouches te maken voor één speciale familiar. Zodra dit gedaan is krijgen ze een logo op de pouch. De lege ongebruikte pouches kunnen gekocht worden van Pikkupstix in Taverley, Bogrog in Gu'Tanoth en de summoning shop in de Nature Grotto voor 1 coin per stuk.