Moh can be found in Hellfire Peninsula [[:File:|[, ]]]. Moh is currently being held prisoner by the nearby Fel orcs. Foreman Razelcraz would like you to save him.
Moh can be found in Hellfire Peninsula [[:File:|[, ]]]. Moh is currently being held prisoner by the nearby Fel orcs. Foreman Razelcraz would like you to save him.
Moh byl člen pirátského gangu Uggli Brothers. Roku 137 PBY se na Kiffex v kantýně Busted Blaster setkal s Cadem Skywalkerem a Jariahem Synem. Moh obvinil Cadea z podvádění v sabaccu, kde uhrál šestnáctkrát po sobě Idiotův šik. Hádka vedla až k divoké rvačce, která skončila zmlácením Moha i jeho kumpánů. Cade poté pomocí Síly přinul Moha olízat mu boty, aby se tak omluvil, že nazval Skywalkera podvodníkem. thumb|left|372px
Moh (Japanese: モホ Moho)
Moh is a Vabbian miner.
Moh was a male pirate member of the Uggli Brothers gang. On Kiffex, he was forced to lick Cade Skywalker's boots while under the influence of the mind trick Force power.
Name: Mohammed Sur, B rank Alias: Moh. Relatives: unknown Affiliation: Rogue-villain Biographical Information Marital Status: single Age: unknown Date Of Birth:------- Place of Birth: unknown Physical Descripton Species: human Gender: male Height: 6'1 Weight: 72kg Eye Color: black Quirk: Moh can make solid clones of himself that share a hive mind and can also think and act independently. He cqan make as many as 10 clones of consistent durability and strength. any attempt to make more results in him passing out and his clones vanishing in a cloud of smoke.