The show retains several of the younger incarnations of the classic Muppet characters seen in the previous series, including Baby Kermit, Baby Piggy, Baby Fozzie, Baby Gonzo, and Baby Animal. The series will also see the return of Nanny (now known as "Miss Nanny", short for "Nancette") along with the introduction of Bobbi Baba, a young female sheep. Unlike the previous series, the update will be done using computer-generated animation and features two, 11-minute stories per episode. The series will be aimed at children between the ages of four and seven.
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| - The show retains several of the younger incarnations of the classic Muppet characters seen in the previous series, including Baby Kermit, Baby Piggy, Baby Fozzie, Baby Gonzo, and Baby Animal. The series will also see the return of Nanny (now known as "Miss Nanny", short for "Nancette") along with the introduction of Bobbi Baba, a young female sheep. Unlike the previous series, the update will be done using computer-generated animation and features two, 11-minute stories per episode. The series will be aimed at children between the ages of four and seven.
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| - The show retains several of the younger incarnations of the classic Muppet characters seen in the previous series, including Baby Kermit, Baby Piggy, Baby Fozzie, Baby Gonzo, and Baby Animal. The series will also see the return of Nanny (now known as "Miss Nanny", short for "Nancette") along with the introduction of Bobbi Baba, a young female sheep. Unlike the previous series, the update will be done using computer-generated animation and features two, 11-minute stories per episode. The series will be aimed at children between the ages of four and seven. The show will be a co-production between Disney Junior, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, and The Muppets Studio. Tom Warburton (The 7D) will executive produce the series with Eric Shaw (SpongeBob SquarePants) serving as story editor.