| - Released before Shadow Hearts, a manga sidestory, written and illustrated by Yuji Iwahara, was published in Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Ace Next. Despite the story written as direct sequel to Koudelka game, none of the events that occur in the manga are canonical, having been invalidated by the Shadow Hearts game itself. It does however, follow explore similar themes, and the Emigre Manuscript, and Roger Bacon both make appearances. Even Koudelka herself had reference some events in Koudelka game at climax, when she warns antagonists about incident that killed Patrick Heyworth due to playing with Emirge Manuscript as well. It is set little after a year since the events of the game, and Koudelka Yasant, protagonist of the game has just escaped from being incarcerated in a lunatic asylum. Meanwhile, elsewhere, in the fog covered streets of London, a mysterious society has been kidnapping pregnant prostitutes for some insidious purpose...and it's up to Koudelka to find out why.