| - Metamagic, as its name implies, is magic used to alter magic. At a very basic level, it can change structures of spells. Class Skills learned as a Mage (e.g., Focus Spell, Empower Spell) are types of metamagic. On a higher level, one can call the magical foundations of the world a “spell,” and metamagic can change the structure of the world. The bizarre flecks, for example, have this sort of metamagical effect on the world.
- The term metamagic was also used for a that affected the workings of other spells to the same purpose.
- Metamagic is a faction skill in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. This skill is available only to Alchemist, Battlemage, Blademage, Djinn Lord, Enchanter, Sherif and Wizard classes.
- As a spellcaster's knowledge of magic grows, she can learn to cast spells in ways slightly different from the ways in which the spells were originally designed or learned. Preparing and casting a spell in such a way is harder than normal but, thanks to metamagic feats, at least it is possible. Spells modified by a metamagic feat use a spell slot higher than normal. This does not change the level of the spell, so the DC for saving throws against it does not go up.
- Wizards and divine spellcasters: Wizards and divine spellcasters must prepare their spells in advance. During preparation, the character chooses which spells to prepare with metamagic feats (and thus which ones take up higher-level spell slots than normal). Effects of metamagic feats on a spell: In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level, even though it is prepared and cast as a higher-level spell. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description.
- Originally posted by Ikeren at [1] 12-11-06, 10:08 PM This is my first attempt at a handbook. What this handbook is and should be is Classes, Variant Classes, Variant Class Abilities, Prestige Classes, Feats, and Items, that relate to metamagic, the use of metamagic, etc. This should be most recent printing. Bring everything with a source and a brief (non ToC) breaking description. VARIANT CLASSES AND CLASS ABILITIES Sorceror: Metamagic Specialist: Trade Familiar to use metamagic spells without the full round cast time. (PHBII)
| - Metamagic, as its name implies, is magic used to alter magic. At a very basic level, it can change structures of spells. Class Skills learned as a Mage (e.g., Focus Spell, Empower Spell) are types of metamagic. On a higher level, one can call the magical foundations of the world a “spell,” and metamagic can change the structure of the world. The bizarre flecks, for example, have this sort of metamagical effect on the world.
- Originally posted by Ikeren at [1] 12-11-06, 10:08 PM This is my first attempt at a handbook. What this handbook is and should be is Classes, Variant Classes, Variant Class Abilities, Prestige Classes, Feats, and Items, that relate to metamagic, the use of metamagic, etc. This should be most recent printing. Bring everything with a source and a brief (non ToC) breaking description. CLASSES Wizard: Gains Bonus Feat (Metamagic) at 5, 10, 15, 20 (PHB) Warmage: Sudden Empower, Sudden Enlarge, Sudden Widen at, Sudden Maximize, (7, 10, 15, 20) (CA) Wu Jen: Bonus Feat (1), Spell Secret (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18). Bonus Metamagic Feat, Spell Secret Applies one of Enlarge, Extend, Still or Silent to a spell. (CA) VARIANT CLASSES AND CLASS ABILITIES Sorceror: Metamagic Specialist: Trade Familiar to use metamagic spells without the full round cast time. (PHBII) PRESTIGE CLASSES Heirophant: Faith Healing: Maximize Healing Spells (DMG) Heirophant: Choose Metamagic Feat (Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) (DMG) Thaumaturgist: Extended Summons: Extends Summon Spells (Level 3) (DMG) Daggerspell Mage: Daggerspell Flurry: Quicken a spell with full attacks (Level 10) (CV) Daggerspell Shaper: Daggerspell Flurry: Quicken a spell with full attacks (Level 10) (CV) Alienist: Bonus Metamagic Feat (3, 7) (CA) Argent Savant: Enduring Force: Extends force Spells (3) (CA) Mage of the Arcane Order: Bonus Metamagic Feat (2, 9) (CA) Master Transmografist: Extended Change (1): Favoured Changes are Extended, Effortless Change (4): Favoured Changes are Still and Silent (CA) Suel Arcanamach: Extended Spellstrength (3): Self Targeted Spells are Extended (CA) Radiant Servant of Pelor: Empower, Maximize, And Supreme Healing (2, 6, 10) (CD) Sacred Exorcist: Consecrate Spell (5) (CD) Bladesinger: Song of Celerity (4) - Quicken Second level spell (CW) Rage Mage: Spell Fury (7) - Quicken 4th level spell (CW) Spellsword: Bonus Metamagic Feat (2) (CW) Arcane Devotee: Enlarge Spell (1): Enlarges spells (FRcs) Hathran: Circle Leader (4): Can lead circle magic (FRcs) Red Wizard: Circle Leader (5): Can lead circle Magic, bonus metamagic feat (5), Great Circle magic (10) (FRcs) Runecaster: Maximize Rune (6): Maximizes runes. (FRcs) Shadow Adept: Bonus Metamagic Feat (5) (FRcs) Incantatrix: Bonus Metamagic Feat (1, 4, 7, 10), Cooperative Metamagic (2), Metamagic Effect (3), Metamagic Spell Trigger (5), Instant Metamagic (7, 10), Improved Metamagic (10) (PGtF) Jade Pheonix Mage: Can Empower or Quicken after Successful Maneuver (ToB) Recaster: Abjurant Champion: (Complete Mage) FEATS Empower Spell: +50% to variable numeric effects (PHB) +2 Enlarge Spell: Double spell range (PHB) +1 Extend Spell: Double spell duration (PHB) +1 Heighten Spell: Cast spells at higher level (PHB) Varies Maximize Spell: Maximize variable numeric effects (PHB) +3 Quicken Spell: Cast spells as free action (PHB) +4 Silent Spell: Cast spells without Verbal (PHB) +1 Still Spell: Cast without Somatic (PHB) +1 Widen Spell: Double Spell's Area (PHB) +1 Extra Spell Secret: Apply Enlarge, Extend, Still or Silent to one Spell (CA) - Free Black Lore of Moil: Applies Negative Energy to Necromancy Spells (CA) +0 Born of Three Thunders: Sonic or Electricity spells deal both damage types (CA) +0 Chain Spell: Spell effects extra targets at lesser potency (CA) +3? CoOperative Spell: Work with other casters for increased DC (CA) - Free Delay Spell: Spell is delayed 1-5 rounds (CA) +3 Energy Admixture: Doubles Damage by adding other energy type (CA) +4 Energy Substitution: Deals different energy type of damage (CA) +0 Explosive Spell: Spell pushes people within blast to edge (CA) +1? Fortify Spell: Spells chance to pierce SR is higher (CA) +1? Lord of the Uttercold: Negative Energy spells deal cold damage (CA) +0 Non-Lethal Substitution: Spells Deal Non lethal damage (CA) +1 Persistent Spell: Spell’s duration is 24 hours (CA) +6 Repeat Spell: Spell repeats in following round (CA) +4 Sanctum Spell: Spells inside Sanctum are at higher CL (CA) +0 Sculpt Spell: Alter Spell’s Area (CA) +1 Split Ray: Ray spells add extra target (CA) +3 Sudden Empower Spell: +50% to variable numeric effects, 1/day (CA) Sudden Extend Spell: Double spell duration, 1/day (CA) Sudden Maximize Spell: Maximize variable numeric effects, 1/day (CA) Sudden Quicken Spell: Cast spells as free action, 1/day (CA) Sudden Silent Spell: Cast spells without Verbal, 1/day (CA) Sudden Still Spell: Cast without Somatic, 1/day (CA) Sudden Widen Spell: Double Spell's Area, 1/day (CA) Transdimensional Spell: Spell crosses planes and dimensions to hit extra planar targets (CA) +1 Twin Spell: Spell is cast twice. (CA) +4 Divine Metamagic: Spend Turning attempts to power metamagic (CD) Profane Boost: Maximizes inflict spells in the area (CD) (Costs turning) Sacred Boost: Maximizes cure spells in the area (CD) (Costs turning) Consecrate Spell: Spells become good (CD) +0 Corrupt Spell: Spells become evil (CD) +0 Rapid Spell: Spells decrease in casting time (CD) +1 Reach Spell: Spells of touch gain 30 feet reach (CD) +2 Arcane Thesis: Reduces the cost of metamagic to a spell by 1 (PHBII) Ocular Spell: Shoot two spells as rays from the eyes (Lords of Madness) +2 Midnight Metamagic: Metamagic by Modifier: Consecrate Spell: Spells become good (CD) +0 Corrupt Spell: Spells become evil (CD) +0 Sanctum Spell: Spells inside Sanctum are at higher CL (CA) +0 Energy Substitution: Deals different energy type of damage (CA) +0 Black Lore of Moil: Applies Negative Energy to Necromancy Spells (CA) +0 Born of Three Thunders: Sonic or Electricity spells deal both damage types (CA) +0 Enlarge Spell: Double spell range (PHB) +1 Extend Spell: Double spell duration (PHB) +1 Silent Spell: Cast spells without Verbal (PHB) +1 Still Spell: Cast without Somatic (PHB) +1 Widen Spell: Double Spell's Area (PHB) +1 Explosive Spell: Spell pushes people within blast to edge (CA) +1? Fortify Spell: Spells chance to pierce SR is higher (CA) +1? Sculpt Spell: Alter Spell’s Area (CA) +1 Non-Lethal Substitution: Spells Deal Non lethal damage (CA) +1 Transdimensional Spell: Spell crosses planes and dimensions to hit extra planar targets (CA) +1 Rapid Spell: Spells decrease in casting time (CD) +1 Empower Spell: +50% to variable numeric effects (PHB) +2 Reach Spell: Spells of touch gain 30 feet reach (CD) +2 Ocular Spell: Shoot two spells as rays from the eyes (Lords of Madness) +2 Delay Spell: Spell is delayed 1-5 rounds (CA) +3 Split Ray: Ray spells add extra target (CA) +3 Chain Spell: Spell effects extra targets at lesser potency (CA) +3? Maximize Spell: Maximize variable numeric effects (PHB) +3 Repeat Spell: Spell repeats in following round (CA) +4 Twin Spell: Spell is cast twice. (CA) +4 Quicken Spell: Cast spells as free action (PHB) +4 Energy Admixture: Doubles Damage by adding other energy type (CA) +4 Persistent Spell: Spell’s duration is 24 hours (CA) +6 ITEMS Metamagic Rod of Silent: Silent 3/day (DMG) Metamagic Rod of Enlarge: Enlarge 3/day (DMG) Metamagic Rod of Extend: Extend 3/day (DMG) Metamagic Rod of Empower: Empower 3/day (DMG) Metamagic Rod of Maximize: Maximize 3/day (DMG) Metamagic Rod of Quicken: Quicken 3/day (DMG) Metamagic Rod of Chaining: Chain 3/day (CA) Metamagic Rod of Cooperation: Cooperate 3/day (CA) Metamagic Rod of Sculpting: Sculpt 3/day (CA) Metamagic Rod of Substitution: Substitute 3/day (CA)
- The term metamagic was also used for a that affected the workings of other spells to the same purpose.
- Wizards and divine spellcasters: Wizards and divine spellcasters must prepare their spells in advance. During preparation, the character chooses which spells to prepare with metamagic feats (and thus which ones take up higher-level spell slots than normal). Sorcerers and bards: Sorcerers and bards choose spells as they cast them. They can choose when they cast their spells whether to apply their metamagic feats to improve them. As with other spellcasters, the improved spell uses up a higher-level spell slot. But because the sorcerer or bard has not prepared the spell in a metamagic form in advance, he must apply the metamagic feat on the spot. Effects of metamagic feats on a spell: In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level, even though it is prepared and cast as a higher-level spell. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description. The modifications made by these feats only apply to spells cast directly by the feat user. A spellcaster cannot use a metamagic feat to alter a spell being cast from a wand, scroll, or other device. Metamagic feats cannot be used with all spells. See the specific feat descriptions for the spells that a particular feat cannot modify. Multiple metamagic feats on a spell: A spellcaster cannot normally apply more than one metamagic at a time to a spell. However at epic levels, a caster may select the automatic silent/still/quicken spell feats. While these epic feats apply metamagic effects, they do not count toward the one metamagic per spell limit (e.g. it is possible to create a stilled, quickened, silent, and empowered spell by empowering a spell that is then affected by the automatic still, quicken, and silent spell feats). One cannot apply the same metamagic feat more than once to a single spell (a quickened spell subject to automatic quicken spell is not cast faster than other quickened spells). Each of the automatic metamagic feats is a sequence of three feats (numbered I, II, and III), which automatically apply the corresponding metamagic to spells cast from spell slots of level 1–3, 4–6, and 7–9. For example, assume a caster has the extend spell and automatic still spell I feats, but not automatic still spell II. If she casts a third level spell without metamagic, it will be auto-stilled, but if she casts it extended (which uses a level 4 spell slot), it will not be stilled. A level 2 spell, on the other hand, will be stilled whether cast without metamagic (using a level 2 slot) or extended (using a level 3 spell slot). Counterspelling metamagic spells: Whether or not a spell has been enhanced by a metamagic feat does not affect its vulnerability to counterspelling or its ability to counterspell another spell. Shifted use: Some shifted abilities can be used with a quickslotted use of the same spell preserving all meta-magic feats given to the quickslot.
- Metamagic is a faction skill in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. This skill is available only to Alchemist, Battlemage, Blademage, Djinn Lord, Enchanter, Sherif and Wizard classes.
- As a spellcaster's knowledge of magic grows, she can learn to cast spells in ways slightly different from the ways in which the spells were originally designed or learned. Preparing and casting a spell in such a way is harder than normal but, thanks to metamagic feats, at least it is possible. Spells modified by a metamagic feat use a spell slot higher than normal. This does not change the level of the spell, so the DC for saving throws against it does not go up.