| - To make a Rune Spell you will need a Blank Rune, a little grey piece of stone you can buy in any Magic Shop all around Tibia, just a Rune with no Spell in yet. If you are skilled enough to make the Rune and you have Mana enough, put the Blank Rune in your hand and say the words. Spells made to be stored in runes starts by AD, so dont mess them. The Rune will be charged by the Magic power, changing shape, color and sign, showing the Magic worked. You can use it now just touching it and then shoot it to the target. The Magic will fly from your hand and one of the charges will disapear. Runes have different amount of charges and when all charges are used, the Rune will just vanish, as it never existed.
- How to learn Magic easy. Level 1: For Knights and non Vocation people
- Two ways exists to make Magic: in a Instant magic use, common spells or spells that needs a high amount of Mana, or Magic can be stored in little stone pieces called Runes, which made and use is very easy.