| - It was now 1441(688), and Calvinvs was convinced by a motley crew of scholars, traders, and wannabe explorers to fund a circumnavigation of the apparent globe that Terra was. With the use of a recent navigational invention from a Parthian ADA, called an Alifsinta Ralamalif (usually just called Alifsinta), they proposed to sail west to finally end up in the Baluchi regions of the east, assuring his Excellence that trade could be tripled with this quicker, more direct route to the far east. It took Calvinvs some time to wrap his head around standing on a very large ball and not falling off but agreed to fund an expedition around the world by galley in 1452(699). Already since 1445(692) globular maps had begun showing up but often it was only scientists that were concerned about the Earth's s
| - It was now 1441(688), and Calvinvs was convinced by a motley crew of scholars, traders, and wannabe explorers to fund a circumnavigation of the apparent globe that Terra was. With the use of a recent navigational invention from a Parthian ADA, called an Alifsinta Ralamalif (usually just called Alifsinta), they proposed to sail west to finally end up in the Baluchi regions of the east, assuring his Excellence that trade could be tripled with this quicker, more direct route to the far east. It took Calvinvs some time to wrap his head around standing on a very large ball and not falling off but agreed to fund an expedition around the world by galley in 1452(699). Already since 1445(692) globular maps had begun showing up but often it was only scientists that were concerned about the Earth's shape. Three new galleys, the Actvarivs, Statarivs, and Alba were loaded up with 2000 Legionaries, auxilia, merchants, and admiral Ahenobarbvs and sent out the Pillars of Hercules in the month of Sextilus. The expedition found what they assumed to be the far reaches of the east in late October. Ahenobarbvs called the islands Neo Aegaevs because the cluster of islands look much like, and had a similar, though more tropical climate to the islands of the Aegean. Upon landing, a group of greeters met them and the Romans found the 'Baluchis' called the islands, or at least the one they were on, Guanahani (interpreted as Canahani in Latin). Ahenobarbvs observed that the natives were unusually friendly and open, looking nothing like the Baluchi traders really. Ahenobarbvs decided that where they were must be further east than the distant Baluchi live, or that the island was a midpoint to where they did live, east of the vast Atlanticvs. The ships continued to another larger island Ahenobarbvs named Qvbanica, after the natives' own language since he could not compare the island to any other he had ever known. From both islands many interesting items were found. These included the clavvs malvm (spiky apple like fruit), tabaco (a hallucinogenic herb used by the native’s religious leaders), Melagrii (pudgy, mostly flightless birds), and the amaca (a bed made from a fishing net, hung from 2 posts). Ahenobarbvs left several garrisons of auxillia on the 2 islands to hold the fort until coloni arrived. The islands were beautiful and so sparsely populated that colonising the lands couldn’t be too difficult. Upon returning to Roma in the month of Martivs, Ahenobarbvs presented the unique things the expedition had found, telling the Emperor that he believed they could not have found the distant east by what they encountered. The fruits and and animals mostly didn’t survive so sketches were all that was available for the clavvs malum and melagrii. Studying the imports, Calvinvs deemed from the descriptions by the crews and the transported supplies that another expedition was worth the cost- he consulted with the Senate. After several more explorations brought back news of the vastness of the western landmass, Calvinvs decided to call the land Terra Nova though there were many who would have preferred to call it Atlantis (it was considered a serious possibility as scrolls in the Library of Venice suggested Atlantis lay far west beyond the Pillars of Hercules). In 1463(710) the ADA had miniaturized cloca small enough to fit in one’s pocket with an error of around 1 hour and 40 minutes a day. Already they were used by generals to coordinate military movements and engineers for vaposcvrr scheduling. Eventually they would be accepted as the standard time keeper. Massive colonisation efforts were undertaken to take over the sparsely populated and rich new world. By Calvinvs’ death in 1473(720) at 87 much of the Terranovan islands and a small part of the mainland had been conquered and turned into Roman provinces. Image:Empire 1473(720).png