After War Gundam X: Under The Moonlight, also known as New Mobile Century Gundam X: Under the Moonlight, is the sequel manga to the After War Gundam X anime and takes place seven years after the final episode in the series. The four book series stars a new cast of characters different than those in the anime, but includes the same designs and mechanical drawings of the ships and mobile suits featured in the anime. The series focuses on Rick Aller, and a Newtype pilot from the 7th Space War named Kai, as well as a mysterious organization that has rebuilt D.O.M.E. after its destruction at the end of the After War Gundam X anime.
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| - After War Gundam X: Under The Moonlight, also known as New Mobile Century Gundam X: Under the Moonlight, is the sequel manga to the After War Gundam X anime and takes place seven years after the final episode in the series. The four book series stars a new cast of characters different than those in the anime, but includes the same designs and mechanical drawings of the ships and mobile suits featured in the anime. The series focuses on Rick Aller, and a Newtype pilot from the 7th Space War named Kai, as well as a mysterious organization that has rebuilt D.O.M.E. after its destruction at the end of the After War Gundam X anime.
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ja kanji
| - 機動新世紀ガンダムX ~UNDER THE MOONLIGHT~
| - After War Gundam X: Under the Moonlight
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ja romaji
| - Kidou Shinseiki Gandamu X ~Andā za Mūnraito~
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| - After War Gundam X: Under The Moonlight, also known as New Mobile Century Gundam X: Under the Moonlight, is the sequel manga to the After War Gundam X anime and takes place seven years after the final episode in the series. The four book series stars a new cast of characters different than those in the anime, but includes the same designs and mechanical drawings of the ships and mobile suits featured in the anime. The series focuses on Rick Aller, and a Newtype pilot from the 7th Space War named Kai, as well as a mysterious organization that has rebuilt D.O.M.E. after its destruction at the end of the After War Gundam X anime. This series is written by Chitose Oojima, with artwork by Yutaka Akatsu, and design cooperation from Takyuki Yanase. Originally planned as only a short series in Gundam Ace, the popularity of it caused it to be expanded and compiled into a four volume manga series published by Kadokawa.