The Fallen, originally known as Megatronus Prime, is the titular main antagonist of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. He is voiced by Tony Todd who also played Candyman and Zoom from the Flash T.V. series and later voiced Dreadwing in Transformers: Prime. The Fallen is the Supreme commander and founder of the Decepticons, and the most powerful Transformer in the film series, despite eventually being defeated by Optimus Prime. Megatron, his apprentice, serves as the secondary antagonist of the movie.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The Fallen (Transformers)
| - The Fallen, originally known as Megatronus Prime, is the titular main antagonist of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. He is voiced by Tony Todd who also played Candyman and Zoom from the Flash T.V. series and later voiced Dreadwing in Transformers: Prime. The Fallen is the Supreme commander and founder of the Decepticons, and the most powerful Transformer in the film series, despite eventually being defeated by Optimus Prime. Megatron, his apprentice, serves as the secondary antagonist of the movie.
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type of villain
| - Ancient Extraterrestrial Robot
| - Create and Activate the Sun Harvester, , Destroy all life on Earth and take over the entire universe, , kill Optimus Prime and the Autobots with Megatron ,
Get into Sam's brain and take from him the information about the latest part of The Cube
| - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
| - Telekinesis, Immortality, regeneration, strength, teleportation, shock-spear, able to transform into a Cybertronian Destroyer Jet, high fighting skills, very high intelligence, manipulation
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| - Resting in the Nemesis, teaching Megatron, attacking the humans and Autobots
| - Supreme leader, founder of the Decepticons and Megatron's master
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| - The Fallen, originally known as Megatronus Prime, is the titular main antagonist of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. He is voiced by Tony Todd who also played Candyman and Zoom from the Flash T.V. series and later voiced Dreadwing in Transformers: Prime. The Fallen is the Supreme commander and founder of the Decepticons, and the most powerful Transformer in the film series, despite eventually being defeated by Optimus Prime. Megatron, his apprentice, serves as the secondary antagonist of the movie.