| - History of location is unknown.
- The Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, also known as the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, is an institute dedicated to training young Mutants to control their powers and help foster co-existence between Humans and Mutants.
- Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (AKA the X-Mansion) is a school in the Marvel Universe that is specialized in teaching mutants to control their powers and is the home to the superhero team known as the X-Men.
- Located at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Westchester County, NY 10461; Near Salem Center, the original ancestral Xavier estate was built in the late 1700's. Currently owned by Charles Francis Xavier, this sprawling mansion was erected near Breakstone lake and serves as a school, as well as the secret headquarters of the outlaw band of mutants known as the X-Men. Although the outside looks modern, the inside has retained its 1700's style decor with oak-paneled walls and wooden floors. The mansion still houses its state of the art facilities for the education, training and protection of mutants.
| - History of location is unknown.
- The Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, also known as the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, is an institute dedicated to training young Mutants to control their powers and help foster co-existence between Humans and Mutants.
- Located at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Westchester County, NY 10461; Near Salem Center, the original ancestral Xavier estate was built in the late 1700's. Currently owned by Charles Francis Xavier, this sprawling mansion was erected near Breakstone lake and serves as a school, as well as the secret headquarters of the outlaw band of mutants known as the X-Men. The estate was originally named The Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters, but changed its name to The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning with the opening of a new school in Snow Valley, Massachusetts. Since the recent closing of the Massachusetts Academy, the original name was restored, although due to the reconstruction of the Mansion the name has once more been changed to The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. The Mansion was destroyed by a brainwashed Franklin Richards, a student at Xavier's. During its reconstruction, the Mansion took on a bold new appearance; the overall Mansion is in the shape of an "X", while it boasts two separate dorm buildings and a maze. Although the outside looks modern, the inside has retained its 1700's style decor with oak-paneled walls and wooden floors. The mansion still houses its state of the art facilities for the education, training and protection of mutants.
* The original X-Men: Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Iceman, Angel, and later, Mimic (briefly), Havok, and Lorna Dane
* The original New Mutants: Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Mirage, Karma, Sunspot, and later Cypher, Magma, Magik, and Warlock. The X-Mansion was renamed from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, as most of the X-Men were adults rather than teenagers by this time. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was relocated to the Massachusetts Academy in Boston, Massachusetts, which served as the training site of the third generation of teenage X-Men, Generation X. Some years later, the Massachusetts Academy closed permanently. The school for young mutants was moved back to the X-Mansion, but the name Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was no longer used at all. fourth generation of mutant teenagers were taught at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning at the X-Mansion. Though protected by high-tech defenses, the X-Mansion was often breached by the supervillains and evil mutants faced by the X-Men. Indeed, the X-Mansion was destroyed and rebuilt several times. It was destroyed by the Sidri and again by Mister Sinister. However, certain portions of the mansion, such as sub-basements, survived both attacks. During Operation: Zero Tolerance, Bastion forced Jubilee to reveal the mansion's defenses. He then stripped down the mansion, having nearly everything inside the mansion removed. After defeating Bastion, the X-Men moved back into the mansion and restocked it. Most recently, the X-Mansion survived an assault by the Shi'ar Imperial Guard as well as a riot by students led by Quentin Quire. In the wake of M-Day, the mansion was infiltrated by followers of the Reverend William Stryker in an attempt to wipe out the students, resulting in some structural damage. Lastly, an attack from a group of Sentinels destroyed the X-Mansion one last time. This time, though, the X-Men decided not to rebuild it, instead relocating to S. Francisco.
- Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (AKA the X-Mansion) is a school in the Marvel Universe that is specialized in teaching mutants to control their powers and is the home to the superhero team known as the X-Men.