| - Dwight Whittacker or The Web Weaver are aliases used by a Hero who favors bombs, poisons and traps to kill the Begotten. His birth name seems to be Leon, and he had a career in the US Armed Forces which was cut short when he was denied training as a bomb disposal technician due to a failed psychological evaluation. He went AWOL and adopted the pseudonym Dwight Whittacker, working in private security throughout Latin America. While working with a group of scientists on a field expedition in the Amazon, Dwight became attracted to Dr. Samuel dos Santos Cruz, one of the expedition's members. Cruz, a Namtaru, beset the rest of the expedition with horrible nightmares, but Whittacker, who was keeping watch that night, was not affected. He pursued the Beast through the jungle and attempted to lure
| - Dwight Whittacker or The Web Weaver are aliases used by a Hero who favors bombs, poisons and traps to kill the Begotten. His birth name seems to be Leon, and he had a career in the US Armed Forces which was cut short when he was denied training as a bomb disposal technician due to a failed psychological evaluation. He went AWOL and adopted the pseudonym Dwight Whittacker, working in private security throughout Latin America. While working with a group of scientists on a field expedition in the Amazon, Dwight became attracted to Dr. Samuel dos Santos Cruz, one of the expedition's members. Cruz, a Namtaru, beset the rest of the expedition with horrible nightmares, but Whittacker, who was keeping watch that night, was not affected. He pursued the Beast through the jungle and attempted to lure it into a trap, but it was able to escape into its Lair. Whittacker believed Cruz to be a victim of the monster's delerium, and became obsessed with hunting Beasts. He is skilled at the use of both explosives and poisons, favoring poisons derived from spider venom, and when he kills a Beast he leaves behind a calling card: a stylized spiderweb made with silver spray paint. Dwight sees himself as a superior predator, and enjoys his ability to make the Begotten fear him. He routinely targets mortal family members in order to lure a Beast into a trap, and doesn't care about collateral damage--in fact, it only helps his legend grow. He disdains collaborating with other Heroes, except to use them as bait, though he did help Candy Rasmussen in the early days of her anti-Beast vlog. His only vulnerability seems to be Dr. dos Santos Cruz--and only because he doesn't realize Cruz was the monster he tried to slay. "Dwight Whittacker" is a tall, physically fit man with a pronounced widow's peak. He affects a number of off-putting tics to ensure others underestimate him, and he typically dresses in camoflague and kevlar.