| - Anyone who creates works of fiction will often try to make it big and large to justify your money's worth. They want to make each new installment bigger and better than the last, adding in new stories and conventions, and just make it a lot more fun than the last title in a series. Many fans of anything watch motion pictures, or play games, for exactly one reason (generally Rule of Fun) and one reason only. To them, their work has only one purpose: they're Just Here For Godzilla. Simply, people are paying their own money for their own entertainment. Any other stuff they see may be only seen as a minor distraction from their true goal of enjoyment. On the other hand, those other things added can actually add to the enjoyment of their one true goal, whether it be comedy relief in a usually dark film series or any new quirks in gameplay. Often, however, creators of works may put obstacles in your way to force you to go through all of their new quirks before getting a chance to see the action (like you being in a theater, sitting through hours and hours until you get to that glorious part) or play the same mode over and over. Sometimes they make it even harder for you to get to your true goal. Sister Tropes are: Bile Fascination, Play the Game Skip the Story, Preview Piggybacking, Watch It for the Meme, Excuse Plot, Developing Doomed Characters. Compare I Read It for the Articles, Complacent Gaming Syndrome, Black Sheep Hit, Estrogen Brigade, Estrogen Brigade Bait, Best Known for the Fanservice (which is not necessarily what they came for), and Come for the X, Stay For the Y (where the Y means nothing). Speculative Fiction Tropes, especially, are susceptible to such a process. Examples of Just Here for Godzilla include: