| - Ledre Okins, a Human male, was one of the oldest admirals in the upper echelons of the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. A by-the-books officer, Okins obtained his ranking through years of strict loyalty to the Empire and by simply following orders, rather than by taking great risks or being a tactical genius. Okins' loyalty came to the attention of Emperor Palpatine, who frequently dispatched Okins to lead task forces of fleet commanders who were not following Imperial regulations. Everything Okins observed he reported back to the Emperor. In 3.5 ABY, shortly following the Battle of Hoth, the Dark Lord Darth Vader tasked Okins with overseeing the destruction of a secret Rebel Alliance shipyard in the Vergesso Asteroids from aboard Vader's personal flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Executor. Okins successfully led a fleet that included the Executor and three supporting Star Destroyers in a tremendous rout of the Rebel shipyard, destroying hundreds of vessels in a great victory for the Empire. Okins died two years later, in 5 ABY, at the hands of New Republic Admiral Willham Burke, who was jointly spearheading the New Republic's drive into the Core Worlds to retake the Imperial capital planet, Coruscant, following the deaths of the Emperor and Vader at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. An extended campaign of raids and feints between the two admirals along the Perlemian Trade Route culminated when Burke tricked Okins into dividing his fleet by sending key forces to the Pindra system, allowing Burke to finally destroy Okins at Colla in a major New Republic victory.