| - Every day a certain action, element, weapon type, job skill, and/or status effect is forbidden to be used during that day during a standard engagement. If a fighter performs an action that involves the forbidden action, the Judge will issue the offender with a card. The type of card received will depend on the effect of the action. "Boss Medals" are not available to Marche or his team at any time, even after the game. The types of forbidden actions are better detailed below:
| - Every day a certain action, element, weapon type, job skill, and/or status effect is forbidden to be used during that day during a standard engagement. If a fighter performs an action that involves the forbidden action, the Judge will issue the offender with a card. The type of card received will depend on the effect of the action. By breaking the law the first time, and as long as it does not result in a KO, the Judge will run to the offending player and issue a Yellow Card. Yellow Cards still allow the unit to continue fighting. By breaking the law, and scoring a KO in the process, the Judge will issue a Red Card. Red Cards remove the unit from battle. As clan leader, if Marche ever gets a Red Card, it is instantly Game Over. Breaking the law twice in one battle (and it does not have to be the same law) will have the Judge issuing a Yellow and Red Card, one after another. Reactions are not bound by the law, which includes Dmg2 and Weapon Type laws. There are characters in the game that have "Boss Medals" (also known as "Hero Medals") on them. Boss Medals prevent the bearer from receiving a Red Card and being removed from battle. Characters who have a Boss Medal will have a medal icon in their information box. The practical reason why medals are given to bosses is to prevent players from attempting to remove them from battle by having them break the law. Characters without one of these medals, and are controlled by the game, will never break the law. Characters that have a medal can (and will) violate the law freely, acquiring an infinite amount of Yellow Cards in the process. "Boss Medals" are not available to Marche or his team at any time, even after the game. The types of forbidden actions are better detailed below:
* Actions: Includes Fight, Color Magic, Items, and Dmg2 Laws. Fight bans the Fight command, not the option to actually attack an opponent. Dmg2 forbids all offensive actions against the listed class.
* Elements: Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Wind are the most common in the beginning. Advanced elemental bans include Dark and Holy.
* Weapon Type: Denotes which types of weapons are banned from battle. Because most jobs use only one type of weapon, the player can consider wielders of that weapon unable to fight, unless they are a mage or can use attacks that do not involve weapon contact.
* Job Skills: Each job has a primary skill related to it that serves as their first A-Ability. For example, Gladiators have Spellblade Tech, and Snipers have Sharpshoot. All skills listed under that type are forbidden. Later in the game, Techniques and Skills can be forbidden.
* Status effects: Includes Status Enhancements and Status Ailments. Whichever enhancement or ailment listed is forbidden from battle. Examples include Charm, Immobilizing/Disabling (Listed as Bind), and Berserk. Later on, status ailments can be forbidden outright.