| - Infernalists are those who cast their lot with demons and other creatures of the Inferno. Some receive power in the form of Demonic Investments or other malign gifts; others tap into the power of Hell through Paths of sorcery; and those supernatural creatures who follow the path of screams receive twisted powers of their own. Within the Classic World of Darkness, there are many monsters and many dark and terrible entities. From Tzimisce who commit unspeakable experiments to Redcaps who rely on a violent evisceration to brighten up the day. However, within these ranks of gods and monsters, among these shades of gray, there is a shade of black -- those who serve the dark powers. Universally reviled even amongst the creatures of the World of Darkness, they stoop lower and viler than even their own colleagues, selling their souls and the world down the river for power, devotion, or because they're just an evil bastard. Whatever the reason, they've thrown their lot in with dark gods, demons, creatures from the outer void and God only knows what else. They are universally reviled by even the most evil of their colleagues -- after all, even monsters have their standards.