Libertarianism is the one leg of the conservatism's tripod, the others being fear and ignorance. As with other extreme political ideologies, it is premised on absurd assumptions. Examples of libertarian thinking can be found in Reason magazine, which despite its name, is anything but reasonable.
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- Libertarianism
| - Libertarianism is the one leg of the conservatism's tripod, the others being fear and ignorance. As with other extreme political ideologies, it is premised on absurd assumptions. Examples of libertarian thinking can be found in Reason magazine, which despite its name, is anything but reasonable.
- From libertarian + -ism.
- The most integral part of Libertarianism is worship of the free market. Libertarians are confident that the free market will end world hunger, cure cancer, provide mansions to everyone who works hard and jerk them off before they go to sleep every night... eventually. Adam Cockish is the most prominent Libertarian that has been on the show. "Basically everyone agrees with libertarians on something, but they tend to get freaked out just as quickly by the ideology’s other stances." ―Seth Masket
- Stereotyping the libertarians would be unwise. Different people who see themselves as libertarians disagree with each other as to which freedoms they feel should be allowed and which should be restricted. Libertarians in a general sense agree with the following concepts.
* Support for Civil Liberties
* Opposition to Coercive Force (defined their way)18
* Small Government
* Low Taxes
* Emphasis on Private Property
* Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy (Libertarians may make an exception over self defense like after 9/11.)
- Libertarians therefore do not want to continue pretending that our politicians are democratically elected leaders. As such, many American libertarians are currently trying to flee the growing fascistic elements of their corporate-controlled government and reckless military-industrial-complex-turned-police-state, by making a mass exodus to locations as far away from the political power centers as possible (sometimes even leaving America for obscure and remote parts of the world such as rural Iceland), where only the raccoons will hear their loud cries for liberty; because by now they realize that hiding from Big Brother by going off the grid, and living deep underground with no internet or contact with the outside world is the only real option left to protect their right to privacy.
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| - Government=Bad, Anarchy=Good
| - Libertarianism is the one leg of the conservatism's tripod, the others being fear and ignorance. As with other extreme political ideologies, it is premised on absurd assumptions. Examples of libertarian thinking can be found in Reason magazine, which despite its name, is anything but reasonable.
- From libertarian + -ism.
- The most integral part of Libertarianism is worship of the free market. Libertarians are confident that the free market will end world hunger, cure cancer, provide mansions to everyone who works hard and jerk them off before they go to sleep every night... eventually. Adam Cockish is the most prominent Libertarian that has been on the show. "Basically everyone agrees with libertarians on something, but they tend to get freaked out just as quickly by the ideology’s other stances." ―Seth Masket
- Stereotyping the libertarians would be unwise. Different people who see themselves as libertarians disagree with each other as to which freedoms they feel should be allowed and which should be restricted. Libertarians in a general sense agree with the following concepts.
* Support for Civil Liberties
* Opposition to Coercive Force (defined their way)18
* Small Government
* Low Taxes
* Emphasis on Private Property
* Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy (Libertarians may make an exception over self defense like after 9/11.)
- Libertarians therefore do not want to continue pretending that our politicians are democratically elected leaders. As such, many American libertarians are currently trying to flee the growing fascistic elements of their corporate-controlled government and reckless military-industrial-complex-turned-police-state, by making a mass exodus to locations as far away from the political power centers as possible (sometimes even leaving America for obscure and remote parts of the world such as rural Iceland), where only the raccoons will hear their loud cries for liberty; because by now they realize that hiding from Big Brother by going off the grid, and living deep underground with no internet or contact with the outside world is the only real option left to protect their right to privacy. The essence of libertarianism is that governments should stop controlling people's lives and should instead let individuals take care of themselves as if they were actually grown-up adults and not babies sucking off the teat of the nanny state, constantly whining about their inability to cope in the modern world just because they can't see their own hand held out in front of their face past the the smog on a bad in Beijing, or because their drinking water is flammable. More-or-less intelligent people with free will should be capable of making their own decisions about what products to buy and what sorts of lifestyles are worth endorsing through the free support (or withdrawal) of their dollars. This is in direct opposition to the current practice of the IRS taking Americans' dollars through force to pay for bailouts of wealthy people, or to pay for endless overseas wars which Americans neither support nor know anything about since they are too busy playing Farmville or watching football on 72" LCD screens anyway. Libertarians believe that if you are dumb enough to shop at Wal-mart and fat enough to eat at McDonald's, then that is obviously your problem and not theirs when you have a heart attack on the highway six meters in front of them. Those kinds of people can go die of diabetes in their sweat stained lazy-boy chairs with barbecue grease dribbling down their triple chin as their illiterate mongoloid children run around barefoot without the benefit of tax-payer funded health care or public schools, because obviously these sorts of people should not be encouraged to have any more children, but should still have to flip the bill for their own sterilizations. Some people call this view elitist, but Libertarians just call it the bitter truth of reality. Libertarians despise the government because the trolls that run it abuse their power while for some strange reason believe that the people running corporations are all descendents of Ghandi. Well, actually no, they couldn't give a shit about Ghandi either, as he was obviously just another fame whore bent on "saving the world" and thus winning all the awards and accolades that go along with being The Great Philosopher of World Peace, and thus was no morally different than a CEO who happens to derive his/her personal reward in the form of money that is freely offered by consumers who obviously find merit in the product or service being offered. One protesters hunger strike is just another board member's impromptu diet. Be it world peace or Pepsi, consumers shape the world they want through the goods or services they demand. At some point it appears that people started to desire Pepsi more than World Peace, though this is obviously not the fault of Pepsi.
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