Teegan Holloway is a lvl 14 Forsaken quest mob, leading a group of Forsaken Looters at the Tower of Althalaxx [[:File:|[, ]]], in search for remaining Dark Strand works.
Teegan Holloway is a lvl 14 Forsaken quest mob, leading a group of Forsaken Looters at the Tower of Althalaxx [[:File:|[, ]]], in search for remaining Dark Strand works.
Teegan Holloway est un PNJ réprouvé commandant les pillards mort-vivants situés aux alentours de la tour d'Althalaax. Il est l'objet de la quête Le pillage d'Althalaax.
Teegan Holloway is a lvl 14 Forsaken quest mob, leading a group of Forsaken Looters at the Tower of Althalaxx [[:File:|[, ]]], in search for remaining Dark Strand works.
Teegan Holloway est un PNJ réprouvé commandant les pillards mort-vivants situés aux alentours de la tour d'Althalaax. Il est l'objet de la quête Le pillage d'Althalaax.