11 January is the 11th day of the year. There are 354 days until the end of the year (355 in leap years).
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- 11 January
- 11 January
| - On this day in RuneScape:
- 11 January is the 11th day of the year. There are 354 days until the end of the year (355 in leap years).
- 11 January is a date in Stellar Dawn.
- The following is a list of events that happened on 11 January.
- 11 January is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to . fi:11 January
- 11 tammikuu on päivämäärä RuneScape. Vuonna Gielinor, päivämäärä vastaa 11 Rintra.
* 2012 - Peli päivitys: Firemaker kirous
* Patch Notes
* 2010 - Peli päivitys: Nomad Requiemin
* Patch Notes
* 2010 - 2009 RuneScape Awards alkaa.
* 2003 - Kulissien takana päivitys: Uusi sivusto
- 11 January is a date in Earth Eternal.
* Nothing interesting happened. Earth Eternal Timeline 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
- On 11 January 1894, when the Eighth Doctor and Samantha Jones arrived in London, the Zygons were snatching cadavers from their graves. Working together with an old friend, Professor George Litefoot, the Doctor managed to save London from the unearthly "body snatchers". (PROSE: The Bodysnatchers) In 1962, Meredith Roberts was born. (TV: Reset)
- A list of events which occurred on the 11th of January. 1923 Jerome Bixby is born. 1930 Angela Paton is born. 1934 Mitchell Ryan is born. 1937 Felix Silla is born. 1943 Stan Ivar is born. 1950 Nancy Harewood is born. 1956 Emilia Crow is born. 1964 John Thibodeau is born. 1967 Fifth day of filming on TOS: "This Side of Paradise" . airs. Sixth day of filming on TNG: "Coming of Age" . 1990 Musical score for TNG: "The High Ground" is recorded. 1991 Fifth day of filming on TNG: "Night Terrors" . Final draft script for TNG: "Identity Crisis"
- A list of events which occurred on the 11th of January. 2009
* Lady Gaga caught a flight to London during the day at the LAX Airport. She traveled to the United Kingdom for a series of promotional appearances and to be the opening act of the Pussycat Dolls: Doll Domination Tour. 2012
* Gaga was seen at Border Grill Restaurant. 2013
* Gaga was seen arriving at Roger's Arena to Born This Way Ball, Backstage and later, leaving the Arena. 2014 "Money can run out, but talent is forever." Via Twitter "I caught my dad watching Bruce Springsteen videos with his headphones on, on the plane, big goofy smile on his face. It made me so happy to see what a fan he still is, still so inspired. I hope monsters feel like that one day, I know I will :)" "Namaste bitches" Via Lit
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| - On this day in RuneScape:
- 11 January is the 11th day of the year. There are 354 days until the end of the year (355 in leap years).
- 11 January is a date in Stellar Dawn.
- A list of events which occurred on the 11th of January. 1923 Jerome Bixby is born. 1930 Angela Paton is born. 1934 Mitchell Ryan is born. 1937 Felix Silla is born. 1943 Stan Ivar is born. 1950 Nancy Harewood is born. 1956 Emilia Crow is born. 1964 John Thibodeau is born. 1967 Fifth day of filming on TOS: "This Side of Paradise" . 1979 110th day of filming on Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 1982 Forty-third day of filming on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Scenes at Carol Marcus' lab and the shuttle scene are filmed today. 1988 TNG: "The Big Goodbye" airs. Sixth day of filming on TNG: "Coming of Age" . 1990 Musical score for TNG: "The High Ground" is recorded. 1991 Fifth day of filming on TNG: "Night Terrors" . Final draft script for TNG: "Identity Crisis" is submitted. 1993 Fourth day of filming on TNG: "Birthright, Part II" . CIC Video releases Next Generation volumes 57 & 58 on VHS in the UK. 1995 Final draft script for DS9: "Distant Voices" is submitted. 1996 Sixth day of filming on VOY: "Deadlock". 1999 DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars" airs on Sky One in the United Kingdom. Third day of filming on VOY: "Think Tank". 2001 Seventh and final day of filming on VOY: "Human Error". 2002 Twenty-fourth day of filming on Star Trek Nemesis. 2003 Lil Evans dies. 2005 Third day of filming on ENT: "Bound". 2014 Jophery C. Brown dies. 2017 IDW Publishing releases issue #4 of Star Trek: Boldly Go.
- The following is a list of events that happened on 11 January.
- 11 January is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to . fi:11 January
- 11 tammikuu on päivämäärä RuneScape. Vuonna Gielinor, päivämäärä vastaa 11 Rintra.
* 2012 - Peli päivitys: Firemaker kirous
* Patch Notes
* 2010 - Peli päivitys: Nomad Requiemin
* Patch Notes
* 2010 - 2009 RuneScape Awards alkaa.
* 2003 - Kulissien takana päivitys: Uusi sivusto
- A list of events which occurred on the 11th of January. 2009
* Lady Gaga caught a flight to London during the day at the LAX Airport. She traveled to the United Kingdom for a series of promotional appearances and to be the opening act of the Pussycat Dolls: Doll Domination Tour. 2012
* Gaga was seen at Border Grill Restaurant. 2013
* Gaga was seen arriving at Roger's Arena to Born This Way Ball, Backstage and later, leaving the Arena. 2014 "Money can run out, but talent is forever." Via Twitter "I caught my dad watching Bruce Springsteen videos with his headphones on, on the plane, big goofy smile on his face. It made me so happy to see what a fan he still is, still so inspired. I hope monsters feel like that one day, I know I will :)" "Namaste bitches" Via LittleMonsters.com
- 11 January is a date in Earth Eternal.
* Nothing interesting happened. Earth Eternal Timeline 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
- On 11 January 1894, when the Eighth Doctor and Samantha Jones arrived in London, the Zygons were snatching cadavers from their graves. Working together with an old friend, Professor George Litefoot, the Doctor managed to save London from the unearthly "body snatchers". (PROSE: The Bodysnatchers) In 1692, the First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright arrived in Salem Village, Massachusetts. As the TARDIS needed its image translator readjusted, the Doctor made his companions exit the ship and explore outside. While they were outside, he intended to dematerialise, and come back using the fast-return switch after a month from his perspective of fixing it. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters) In 1962, Meredith Roberts was born. (TV: Reset)