| - HPW Monday Night Fall started with a mind-blowing match. HPW Lightweight Champion Becky, took on the powerful Del'o. It started off when Del'o showed off his "dominance" and picked up Becky will all his force but showed off too much so Becky could rake him in the eyes. Becky followed up with a bottle-blowing kick to the jaw... but only for a 2-count. Becky tried to get Del’o to stay down on the ground but to no aval, Del’o pushed Becky out the way. Del’o with all his force kicked Becky in the skull. Del’o followed up with a pin but got a 2-count. Becky was still groggy but could counter Del’o’s Big Boot with a spinning roundhouse kick. Del’o then fell to the ground, when Becky went to the top rope and hit a leg drop. He went for the pin and won the match. After a commercial break, Monday Night Fall GM, William Sir met up with HPW Champion Rashard Hall and pointed out that his first title defense would be in a Steel Cage match on the same night. Kelly Ray went up against Pinkie in a singles match. Pinkie was eager to debut so she went straight after Kelley Ray. Pinkie first did a head scissors take down with a pin only for a 1-count. Kelley Ray tried to hit a frankensteiner but Pinkie with all her might hit a power bomb for a 2-count. Pinkie caught Kelly and hit an overdrive. Pinkie picked Kelly up and hit a Pinkie Drop for a 3-count. Frankie Venus wasn’t always the compatible type. Once the match started, Richards reached his hand out for Venus to shake it. Venus stared at it and gave Richards a hip toss. Richards came back with a strong body slam for Venus. Venus kipped-up and started throwing punches. It took 3 big punches for Richards to hit the ground. Venus ran to the top-rope, hit a Venus Explosion and went for the pin. All he got was a 3-count. As the cage lowered, Rashard Nemen Hall came down the ramp only to be blind-sided by Aaron Fisher. A brawl happened all around ringside until they both got into the ring. They were tired already and fans seemed that this match wouldn’t be A highlight or a Match of the Week type match. But although Fisher didn’t care about the fans, he wanted to pull out ALL the stops. Aaron climbed the Steel Cage only to stop once at the top. He stood up with both feet on the Steel bar, and hit a signature Elbow drop off the top of the Steel Cage. He couldn’t stand neither could Nemen Hall. Hall tried to crawl his way to the cage door and successfully got both feet to the floor. 3 days later when taking down the arena, The Steel Band was interviewed in an aftermath segment. Rahsard Nemen Hall was the first to speak, he said "The Steel Band is for all comers, if you wanna become a champion then you're in the right place. If you wanna be a loser, then don't be in the buissness at all. If you come to beat our asses then you'll have to get through ALL of us." Nemen Hall's tag team partner Del'o, came and said "We're the strong part of the team, if you're anything but strong come join us, but if you're weak and spineless... well as he said don't be here at all!"