| - Baby is orphaned. Loving parents find baby. Parents raise baby as their own. This is a standard set-up in stories. But sometimes, as the baby grows up, he or she finds out that they're a little... different from the rest of their family. Really different. Sometimes they notice this, and start angsting. And sometimes, they don't notice anything at all, and are perfectly content with living their lives with their families, no matter how obvious it is that said family isn't their "real" family. This is taken to extreme measures in Funny Animal cartoons, where the species is very different but the adoptee doesn't notice. Usually played for laughs rather than straight these days, due to the dying out of the Changeling myth and parents these days avoiding keeping adoption a secret from their kids. For the "humans raised by animals" version, see Raised by Wolves. See also No Social Skills, the inevitable behavioral problems that come with such an adoption, and Happily Adopted, which is what they tend to be. Compare/contrast Chocolate Baby, which generally involves something other than adoption. Examples of Oblivious Adoption include: