| - Dare Larsett was born in Del, possibly during the last years of Alton's reign. Seven years after Endon was crowned king, he heard Lean Alice prophesy the Shadow Lord's invasion from the Shadowlands and a dark time that would last sixteen years or more, and, not wanting to be trapped in the city when it happened, he attempted to stow-away on Mab's ship as he had heard that the Rosalyn fleet would be fleeing the country before the Shadow Lord's arrival. However, he was caught, but instead of casting him out, Mab decided to take him on as part of the crew, as they were short-handed. So it was that Dare lived in exile aboard the Rosalyn fleet for sixteen years, as part of its crew.
| - Dare Larsett was born in Del, possibly during the last years of Alton's reign. Seven years after Endon was crowned king, he heard Lean Alice prophesy the Shadow Lord's invasion from the Shadowlands and a dark time that would last sixteen years or more, and, not wanting to be trapped in the city when it happened, he attempted to stow-away on Mab's ship as he had heard that the Rosalyn fleet would be fleeing the country before the Shadow Lord's arrival. However, he was caught, but instead of casting him out, Mab decided to take him on as part of the crew, as they were short-handed. So it was that Dare lived in exile aboard the Rosalyn fleet for sixteen years, as part of its crew. During the time of exile Dare trained as a trader of the Rosalyn fleet. Mab took a liking to him, and he came to have a close relationship with her. Soon after the re-establishment of the monarchy in Deltora, the Rosalyn fleet returned to Del harbour. Sometime afterward, Dare met and married Maarie of Del, and they had two children, Margareth and Britta. Two years before his ill-fated voyage on the Star of Deltora, Dare sailed to Illica aboard the Pride of Rosalyn with the Rosalyn fleet. There, he discovered Bar-Enoch's resting place by following the clues laid out in Cladda's Mysteries of the Silver Sea, but unlike previous adventurers, he took heed of the warning written, and left the Staff where it lay, deciding to return when he had found a way to take it from Bar-Enoch's body and live. While in the Blind Tower Dare ran into an eleven-year-old Collin, who looked sad, and made an attempt to cheer him up by telling him there is more to life than the Towers of Illica and that the world was 'wide and full of wonders'. At an unknown date, Dare chose to leave the fleet and become an independent trader. He came to own the Star of Deltora, which was captained by Mikah. In preparation for his quest for the Staff, Dare had an iron box built within the cargo hold. When Britta was eight years old, he set out on the Star's maiden voyage, on a quest to find the Staff of Tier. He travelled to Two Moons, where he traded with Thurl for a goozli doll which he meant to use for an unknown purpose. He then sailed to Illica, where finally took the Staff from its place and carried it aboard the Star of Deltora. Larsett planned to sail back to Del and give the Staff to King Lief so he could use it to cure those ailing in body and soul from the Shadowlands invasion. Larsett believed the magic of the Belt would prevent Lief from being overcome by the Staff's power and enable him to use the Staff for good. However, the quest ended in blood and horror, as Captain Mikah was unable to resist the Staff's lure and tricked Dare into the cargo hold with him. When Larsett grasped the Staff, Mikah severed Larsett's hand and fused it to his own arm, thus claiming control of the Staff. Larsett's handless skeleton was sent back to Del aboard the Star of Deltora bearing a false note claiming it was Mikah's skeleton and Dare Larsett was the one who betrayed the crew and now ruled the Isle of Tier. The note was believed by everyone in Del. After Dare's disappearance, his family went into hiding. His ship was sold to the Rosalyn fleet and his other treasures were also sold. It was not until Britta returned to Del from the Isle of Tier and Mikah had been killed that Dare Larsett's name was cleared. Mab read an excerpt of his journal aloud, revealing the truth about the King of Tier and redeeming Larsett's dishonoured name. A ceremony honouring his memory was held in the graveyard outside the Traders' Hall.