| - Blood: The Last Vampire is a 2000 anime film produced by Production I.G and Aniplex and directed by Hiroyuki Kitakubo. The film premiered in theaters in Japan on November 18, 2000. A single-volume manga sequel, titled Blood: The Last Vampire 2000 and written by Benkyo Tamaoki, was published in Japan in 2001 by Kadokawa Shoten, and in English by Viz Media in November 2002 under the title Blood: The Last Vampire 2002. Three Japanese light novel adaptations have also been released for the series, along with a video game. It also spawned a fifty-episode anime series set in an alternate universe titled Blood+. A live-action adaptation of the film with the same title was released in Japan in May 2009.
- 1954 e passa: una vampira ultrasessantenne sopravvissuta alla selezione naturale (ed alla crisi di mezza età) si introduce in un liceo americano travestita da Anna Frank e, spalleggiata da una misteriosa organizzazione governativa nota come "Scudetto Rosso", ammazza brutalmente tre giovani fanciulle che sembrano umane ma non lo sono. Forse. La trama è finita, passiamo alle cose serie.
- Blood: The Last Vampire is a 2000 anime film produced by Production I.G and SPE Visual Works and directed by Hiroyuki Kitakubo. The film premiered in theaters in Japan on November 18, 2000. A single-volume manga sequel, titled Blood: The Last Vampire 2000 and written by Benkyo Tamaoki, was published in Japan in 2001 by Kadokawa Shoten, and in English by Viz Media in November 2002 under the title Blood: The Last Vampire 2002. Three Japanese light novel adaptations have also been released for the series, along with a video game. It also spawned a fifty-episode anime series set in an alternate universe titled Blood+ as well as a second anime series, Blood-C. A live-action adaptation of the film with the same title was released in Japan in May 2009.