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Attributes | Values |
| - Manipulation
- MaNiPuLaTioN
- Manipulation
- Manipulation
| - Navigate: Buzzwords... (edit) See also: Acronyms ... Bond Glossary ... Investing Glossary ... Technical Analysis Glossary... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__
- Only real leaders know how to do this. Fake leaders claim systems that include cooperation and communication (like democracy) are better than systems that have the courage and balls to use manipulation, like dictatorships and families lead by strong fathers. Citizens and children who have been manipulated by their leader-fathers are not victims or suckers, they are merely choosing to obey a good leader for the sake of freedom and security. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Manipulation"is a part of's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Manipulation ist eine Fähigkeit in Dragon Age: Origins und Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. Anders als bei den anderen Fähigkeiten, steht Manipulation nur dem Hauptcharakter zur Verfügung. Mit Manipulation erhält der Charakter eine goldene Zunge und wird in Gesprächen überzeugender.
- Manipulation measures your aptitude for active self-expression, such as when you want to get someone else to do something. It is important when you are attempting to influence or manipulate another person directly, especially if this person does not particularly care for you. Characters with high Manipulation are not generally well-trusted by those who know them best (though Charisma can offset this, conceivably).
- The Manipulation Domain is to be claimed by Cygnus when he comes to be.
- Manipulation (Awareness) Manipulation is the art of using psychology to predict someone's actions or to persuade someone to do desired actions. Conversation with the target is required, and Manipulation is considered a High Skill.
- Manipulation bezeichnet das Lenken eines Ereignisses in eine bestimmte Richtung. Eine extreme Form der Manipulation ist die Sabotage. 2370 will Quark das Racquetballspiel von Chief O'Brien und Dr. Bashir manipulieren, da alle seine Gäste nur auf den Doktor setzen. Deshalb bringt er ihm ein Getränk das neben Wasser, Dextrose, Saccharin, Geminal-Wurzel-Extrakt, Malz, Hefe und, Synthanol auch 17 Milligramm hyvroxiliertes Quint-Ethyl-Metacemin, einem Anästhetikum, enthält. (DS9: )
- Manipulation means handling and/or altering some object, data or information.
- Manipulation generally means working something to your advantage. In at least one game on this wiki, it is a specific Main Menu item with half a dozen options, which are not really cheating because they apply to all nations.
- Ich klappte meinen Laptop zu. Endlich, ja endlich hatte ich es geschafft, ein weiteres Spiel nach meinem Willen zu ändern. Es machte unheimlich Spaß, die Werke dann selber richtig zu testen und sich zu freuen. Was ich genau mache, hm? Wie erwähnt, ich ändere Spiele. Langweilige Storylines, zu schwache Waffen, so viel mehr ändere ich. Nur für mich, versteht sich. Niemand anderes darf meine Kunst für sich nutzen. Nur ICH! Mir schoss ein Gedanke durch den Kopf. "Majora's Mask... Ah jaaa, Ben. Ben Drowned. Mal sehen, was ich machen kann. Könnte eine lustige Party werden..." Danke *wink*
- Light Yagami appears to be tempted into making the deal for the Shinigami Eyes with Ryuk, but he unexpectedly turns down the offer. In order to obtain the Eyes he would have to give up half of his remaining lifespan. Light intends to create a New World for decent humans to live in, a world which he will rule over like a god. If he halved his lifetime, he would be unable to rule for long or enjoy the fruits of his labors.
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Main Character
| - Kundabar the Elf and Doomsday
Character Debut
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Published (Japanese)
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Game Title
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| - Xaq's second series / Miscellaneous
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| - Basic; Two-player cooperative
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| - Elgador's Testing/Training Grounds
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Published (English)
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| - Navigate: Buzzwords... (edit) See also: Acronyms ... Bond Glossary ... Investing Glossary ... Technical Analysis Glossary... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__
- Only real leaders know how to do this. Fake leaders claim systems that include cooperation and communication (like democracy) are better than systems that have the courage and balls to use manipulation, like dictatorships and families lead by strong fathers. Citizens and children who have been manipulated by their leader-fathers are not victims or suckers, they are merely choosing to obey a good leader for the sake of freedom and security. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Manipulation"is a part of's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Manipulation ist eine Fähigkeit in Dragon Age: Origins und Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. Anders als bei den anderen Fähigkeiten, steht Manipulation nur dem Hauptcharakter zur Verfügung. Mit Manipulation erhält der Charakter eine goldene Zunge und wird in Gesprächen überzeugender.