| - Wattson's Magnemite was sent in a Gym Battle against Ash's Pikachu. However, Pikachu was overcharged with electricity and easily defeated Magnemite.
- Wattson's Voltorb was sent in a Gym Battle against Ash's Pikachu. However, Pikachu was overcharged with electricity and easily defeated Voltorb.
- Wattson's Magneton was sent in a Gym Battle against Ash's Pikachu. However, Pikachu was overcharged with electricity and easily defeated Magneton.
- At New Mauville, Wattson befriended an Electrike, who helped him battle against Team Rocket. Seeing how Electrike was fond of him, Wattson befriended Electrike. Later on, Electrike battled Team Rocket, who stole the heroes' Pokémon. After the battle, Electrike evolved into Manectric and fought against Ash's Torkoal.