| - Dr. Quack was labeled Royal Physician once again by Princess Sally, stating his "healing skills will help put our Kingdom back on the road to recovery" and making him a member of the a member of the new Council of governing during King Max's time in recovery. (StH: #54) Due to the incredible recovery made by King Max, Dr. Quack ran a number of tests to satisfy his "scientific curiosity." During this examination, Max informed Dr. Quack the history of the Acorn Dynasty and its link to the Source of All, the latter explaining his amazing recovery. (StH: #58) After Prince Elias and Queen Alicia were brought back to Mobotropolis by the Royal Secret Service, the comatose Queen was left under Dr. Quack's care. He explained to the monarchy that due to the Brotherhood of Guardians' cryo-stasis chamber, the queen's health would neither get better or worse, but would keep her in her current condition until Dr. Quack and his health team could figure out a means to cure her ailments. (StH: #69) When Sonic and the Freedom Fighters attempted to explain it was the escapees of the Devil's Gulag who had kidnapped Nate Morgan, this claim was challenged by Geoffrey St. John, as the evidence suggested the escapees had all died. However, Dr. Quack arrived and explained that some of the injured guards of the Devil's Gulag informed him the convicts used a second shuttle to escape. (StH: #70) Following the loss of Mobotropolis to Robo-Robotnik, Dr. Quack was baffled that Jules and Bernadette Hedgehog has retained their free will while all the other Robians had not. When the two stated it was because of their wedding bands, Dr. Quack said it wasn't scientifically feasible, though Nate Morgan countered this, saying science could not take into account the magical aspects of the Super Emerald, the wedding bands had been forged from its power. (StH: #75, #77) Dr. Quack was also the one who, with the help of Nate Morgan, developed Bunnie Rabbot's replacement parts that her body's immune system would not reject. Because of this, Bunnie survived, at the cost of the chance of ever being deroboticized. (SSS: #11) Following a massive attack on Robotropolis to retrieve the captured Prince Elias, led by King Max himself, the king was injured in the attack by a Shadowbot. He was quickly brought before Dr. Quack by Sonic to receive medical treatment. Thanks to the doctor, Queen Alicia made a full recovery, while Max mostly recovered, though he lost the ability to use his legs and thus became confined to a wheel chair. (StH: #88, #89, #90)